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"Too Many Failed Files" Scan Issue?


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Any time my device tries to scan a new SD card, it keeps popping up that there were "too many failed files" and that "playing will stop now" which is very frustrating. Play Music can play all my files, but not Poweramp. Any suggestions on what I can try?

Also, video files can be played on other players as well but it seem Poweramp just refuses to search.

Any help that can be provided is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Android 7.0 - Nougat

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It could be that you have not specified which folders Poweramp should scan (and which it should not) and so it is picking up some files with valid extensions but that it can't play? Check Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders, and make sure that only your required music folders (and no folders containing vidco./etc) are ticked.


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I get the same error. If I try to play anything else it gives me an error "cannot validate license" or something along those lines. I am not looking at it right now so I can't provide details, but I will if anyone is interested helping to fix this.

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Those are two separate issues. Licence validation errors are usually caused by a poor internet connection, see http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required . If you are getting a lot of files which won't play, especially if you are using a newly formatted SD Card, could you upload a few of the ones which fail for checking?


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