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playlists won't update


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I updated some playlists on my computer and synced them with iSyncr but the problem is the playlists aren't updated on Poweramp.  The playlists are updated in PlayerPro and the stock Music Player.  I have had this problem over the years on different phones.  I am using the LG G6 now.  I tried multiple times to rescan the library.  But it didn't help.  I'm using the Poweramp V3 704 beta.

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Are they showing in PA as file-based playlists of did you import them them the Android system? If file based, try editing and re-saving one in a text editor and see if that triggers PA to see it as a new file. I assume that you have got the relevant directory selected in Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders ?


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6 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Are they showing in PA as file-based playlists of did you import them them the Android system? If file based, try editing and re-saving one in a text editor and see if that triggers PA to see it as a new file. I assume that you have got the relevant directory selected in Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders ?


I just checked and what the heck they're in there twice.  when I scrolled all the way down I see a whole another set of duplicate playlists under file based.  And the updated ones are there.  I never can figure out why Poweramp does this.  the other players don't.  quite often in the past the a set of duplicates would have 0 songs in them.  it's confusing when there's duplicates.  And time consuming deleting them when i have like 20-30 playlists.   Why or how does it get in there twice?  I didn't manually import them either.  Because if i do I'll get duplicates that way also.

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If they are file based and you have duplicates, then they exist twice on your device, To be clear, for playlists to show up in Poweramp, all you need to do is place the .m3u files in a folder which is scanned by Poweramp. There is no importing involved. As Andre points out make sure that you have selected only those folders which have music and playlists. If you have not done this, Poweramp will search everywhere, even, as i found out eventually,  in the recycle bin of esExplorer which had deleted playlists.

Also be aware that other players may show their own playlists or android playlists so comparing Poweramp with others is futile.

finally, to quickly delete more than one playlist in one go, first select Delete from the menu, then select your playlists. A + sign will show it was selected. Slightly counter intuitive but this behaviour is consistent throughout the app.



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