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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by andrewilley

  1. You can see what Output path is currently being used for playback from the Audio Info list in PA Settings=>Audio. Andre
  2. Sorry, you originally said you were seeing Artist images (which are generally auto-fetched back solely on the contents of the Artist tag). It's getting a bit hard to follow exactly what you are seeing, now you are saying the Album artwork is blank? Again, if nothing is embedded in any of the song files, PA should attempt to auto-download song images and then it will choose one of them for the overall album. The online search criteria would be based on the Title and Artist tags for the song, or Album Title and Album Artist tags for the album. To choose a new overall Album Cover image, drill down until you are viewing the complete list of songs for that album. Tap the three-dots icon and select 'Album Art'. Pick an image from the items sourced online, or choose from your local Gallery (within the size limitations given in the FAQs I linked above). You can also do the same on a per-song basis (use three-dots menu in the Player Screen, or long-press in the song list, for each track separately). The display logic is based on how the images are named and cached, but broadly it's based on whether the Artist and Album Artist tags fully match throughout the whole series of songs. If they are all the same, one image will applied for all the songs in that album, and thus for the overall album too. If the track artists vary though, a change to one track's artwork will only apply for any tracks in the album which are tagged as being by the same Track Artist. So for example, in a "Various Artists" collection album with each song by a different Track Artist, you can change the artwork for each individual track from the Player Screen's three-dots menu (or long-press on the song title in the list). Each song can have different artwork. You can then assign a completely different image for the overall album by using the three-dots menu at the Album songs level and choose Album Art from there. If you want to dig even deeper (and beware, it's a rabbit hole!) check out the contents of the cache folder where the found/downloaded images are stored: Andre
  3. Anyway, Max is at least aware that you think this feature would be useful to you. You are probably the first person to have bought it up here as far as I'm aware. Andre
  4. Given that this is not an officially supported or sanctioned YouTube feature, I think it would be up to you to arrange to build any matching CUE files if you download content that way. Not really something that's appropriate to discuss here though. Andre
  5. @XanaduBananadu Android assigns the current live output device, Poweramp merely sends content to it. Upon connection to a BT Stereo device, that would normally be used for audio. Andre
  6. Just because a picture happens to be of a singer/band, that doesn't necessarily mean that you've saved it as an Artist image, you could have make an Album Cover out of any picture you like. From Poweramp's point of view, images that it considers as being of artists will be used next to each singer/band in the list of available Artists, and also in the header area at the top of the album list for that artist. It won't be used next to any album titles, nor on the Player Screen. Of course you could have manually assigned the same photo to anywhere you like. Artists (or Album Artists) Category list - where each item displays alongside an artist image: Drill down one level to see a view of just one Artist's content - uses the artist image as header: Then drill down into an individual Album view - no artist image is used at all, only images for the album and songs: Andre
  7. Agreed, all of the various "All <Catgeory> Songs" lists should behave the same way as the "All Songs" Category, which does not show track numbers. A missed flag for those lists I guess. Andre
  8. Always best to make sure you are actually working with the files you thought you were... Andre
  9. The Frequently Requested Features section is really for requests that have generated mutiple popular threads from different users, not for one-off ideas. Andre
  10. @ihaspei There is already a control that does basically what you want in Settings=>Library=>Lists The option I use (above) only shows the Track# info when viewing songs within album or folder views - so not in All Songs, High/Low Rated, Most Played, Playlists, Queue, etc. For example: It also does not include the Track# on the Player Screen, which you can find from the optional 'Show Track Counter' feature anyway. The above also neatly illustrates why I was asking for empty Disc# tags to be treated as being null values by the way: I don't need to see a superfluous '1' next to every song's meta info for albums that only have one disc and for which the embedded Disc tag is empty. A Disc Number is only relevant if I have actually set tags for Disc#=1, Disc#=2, etc. For example: Andre
  11. There is no option to do that at present. There are only two lines available (as the same two strings are used for both the library lists and for the Player Screen) and they are currently fixed to "[Track#] Title" and "Artist - Album". There is a popular Feature Request to make the content of those two lines user-configurable using formatting strings though, for which you can add your vote here (once you've reached the voting threshold): Andre
  12. I'm at a bit of a loss on this one. Perhaps try a Full Rescan (in Settings=>Library) in case something has changed since the files were first scanned and the later modification has not been updated into the database? Otherwise there must be something different in the embedded data between this one album and all her others. There isn't a separate entry for Amy Grant in the lists is there? For example sometimes I've found a slight punctuation or spelling issue can create two entries. I just did a check with a specific artist for whom I've got a large number of albums (38) and the exact same album titles appear when I drill down via the 'Artists' Library Category as I see when I drill down in the 'Album Artists' view. I made sure that the sorting order was set to 'By Title' for albums in the two List Options menus (as I sometimes use 'By Year') and the two lists of this artist's albums were both fully complete and correctly sorted - with any prefix articles ("A", "An", "The") correctly ignored in the ordering process. In this case, the Artists list actually contained one extra song (573 songs) compared to the Album Artists view (572 songs) because this artist also had one song which was separately contained in a "Various Artists" collection album, which of course had a different Album Artist tag so it did not appear in their 'Album Artists' listing, while it did appear in their 'Artists' listing. Andre
  13. You can of course put individual artist pictures into each separate file - i.e. embedded within the file's metadata contents, using an external tag editor program. You can basically put anything you like in there, and PA will display it when it plays that file. But PA's automatic or manual download system for Artist photos only applies to the Artist lists. Such images will never be shown in place of album cover art, either in lists of albums or songs, or on the player screen. Andre
  14. @WaynesWorld Does that whole album have each track tagged with both Artist and Album Artist? Could be that one got missed and only has Artist tags. Andre
  15. @maxmp Excellent, I actually didn't know Reverse is now a stand-alone live action on existing content. I just tried it and it works fine now, I must have missed that one being added. As for full-path sorting, I guess it should behave in the same way that filenames already do - so anything without a valid path/filename gets added at the end of a re-sorted list in simple alphabetical order. And Track# sorting for the songs within Album groups (instead of forcing alpha by title) will definitely make a number of people happy, it's been quite a common request. And it'd fall back to alpha by title if there are no track numbers, so everyone should be happy. Andre
  16. @Dragolth You may be able to import specific elements from the backup safely - for example Playlists, Ratings, EQ Presets, etc. But while porting raw settings from one device to another ought to work in most cases, there could be complications so it might be better to just tweak the options again on your new system. Andre
  17. @LA2A I think a lot of people would be happy with an automatic output-follows-source-frequency mode - as far as Android hardware or DACs allow anyway. Attempting to be completely 'bit-perfect' would effectively mean that Poweramp would just become a data copier, a middle-man for transferring content byte-by-byte from an audio file directly to an external DAC. Similarly, forcing the final output to match with 24-bit or 32-bit content would ultimately be pretty pointless too, as all of PA's internal audio processing is handled using 32-bit float anyway (with 64-bit float used for DSP/EQ work) so it will already have been modified from the original source data. Andre
  18. Could you maybe add a few of the minor requested Re-sort options in there while you are at it? Just very simple stuff like Re-Sort By path>filename, and Re-Sort By Artist>Album>Track#. And also allow the 'Reverse' item, when ticked on its own, to reverse whatever the current order might be? Same for Playlists, which have the same extra gapping in their version of the Re-Sort menu too. Andre
  19. Could these songs have already existed in the library from a previous version? Try using Search in the header of the Recently Added list to see if they are present, but further down the list. If they could be a lot further down, use List Options to set 'No Limit' as the number of entries. Andre
  20. The app interface will be closed when you Close All Apps, however audio playback is maintained by a background service that does not need the app interface to be present. That is by design. The media player item in the notification area just indicates that something is playing, if you stop playback it will disappear. It's an Android thing. You can try Importing Settings now if you like, there are tickboxes for each type of feature so you don't need to import everything at once. If something breaks, just re-install again and make those particular changes manually next time. Andre
  21. Did you do a clean install of PA and then import your backed up Settings from your previous device? Could be some corruption in the settings file, so maybe try a completely clean install (no settings) and change just the Skin settings for Pro Buttons, and see if that then sticks. Changing Shuffle mode is easy, just tap the icon on the Player screen. Andre
  22. Even 32-bit float gives a theoretical dynamic range of 1,528dB. For reference, the loudest thing that ever occurred on earth was estimated to be Krakatoa erupting at around 300dB - and remember that dB is a logarithmic scale not a linear one, so these sort of numbers are basically meaningless in the real world of listening to music. Andre
  23. I didn't know they had an Android audio player app, I thought their system was computer based? Andre
  24. From what Max just said, it would be fixed 32-bit for most of the audio pipeline - regardless of the source fidelity (16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit, sampling frequencies, compressed or lossless). But float64 is used within the DSP processing code (such as EQ if enabled, etc). Andre
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