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Poweramp can't play some of my MP3s, while stock music player can play it normally. It says something like There has been a playing error and skips to next song. Also, the mp3 tags of these songs are missing in Poweramp. I tried to delete the songs from the phone and move them again, force close the app, delete cache, but it didn't help. Could you help me? Thanks.


LG G2, 5.0.1, Poweramp 2.0.10-build-585-play

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A couple of things to try. If these songs are on SD Card, sometimes file-read issues can be helped by reformatting the card and copying everything cleanly back. Best to do this while the phone is turned OFF though to avoid messing up any playlists/etc by having an empty card readable at any point.

It's also worth trying the alpha-test release of Poweramp v3 (from the Downloads tab at the top of the page) in case it's related to the actual file format/contents. (v3 has a new audio engine)

If none of the above helps, could you upload a few sample files which always fail for you?


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