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I want to ask two problems; 
I'm going to library and select 'Recently Added' list. And click first song in the list. Shuffle setting is closed. I'm listen the song and make an evaluation, delete or skip next track. In this situation after 4 or 5 tracks Poweramp start to playing top of the list. Cannot continue last listening track. This is a boring thing.
My Device is Samsung Note 2 (N7100) and I want to use popular kernel Agni for battery and performance gains. In stock 4.4, many custom 4.4 and last CM12 beta ROM, kernel cause strange sound problem with and without direct sound mode in headphone attached Poweramp. I'm started to listening music and nearly after 15-20 minutes, music stopped and strange noise started with maximum volume can damage the ear. After removing earphones for 10 second and plugged in, music resume from last time. 
Thank you.


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  • 2 years later...

The exact same thing is happening to me on the same phone, very loud high pitched sound... I have to restart the app to make it go away.  I am using the same kernel on a different rom, Eclipse V9. 

Is this a kernel problem? we should try flashing a different one and do some testing

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On 2015-2-23 at 8:32 AM, digital35 said:
I want to ask two problems; 
I'm going to library and select 'Recently Added' list. And click first song in the list. Shuffle setting is closed. I'm listen the song and make an evaluation, delete or skip next track. In this situation after 4 or 5 tracks Poweramp start to playing top of the list. Cannot continue last listening track. This is a boring thing.
My Device is Samsung Note 2 (N7100) and I want to use popular kernel Agni for battery and performance gains. In stock 4.4, many custom 4.4 and last CM12 beta ROM, kernel cause strange sound problem with and without direct sound mode in headphone attached Poweramp. I'm started to listening music and nearly after 15-20 minutes, music stopped and strange noise started with maximum volume can damage the ear. After removing earphones for 10 second and plugged in, music resume from last time. 
Thank you.


Just to give a follow up on this... I´ve installed a different version of Agni kernel and I´m testing... so long after 5 hours the problem did not appear again. Search in XDA for the latest agni kernel and flash it if you can.


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