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Albumt Art and Artist Pictures


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First of all I would like to thank you for great work because I've been looking for a good music player for a VERY long time and finally this app does *almost* everything that I looking for :). Following are few thing that I would like to see added that will make it ultimate player (at least for me)

- Show artist picture when browsing by Artist (just like when browsing by album)

- Option to display album/artist pictures in Grid layout.

- Automatically download artist pictures.

- Ability to select artist/album art manually (out of the downloaded pictures).

All these features currently exist in Music Player Pro for Android (but it lack all the EQ functionality of Poweramp.)

Keep up the good work.

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Would it be possible to have an option to show the album art in pretty much every view? (For example when you are viewing "All songs").

Only if this won't slowdown the view. There is pretty high stress on device memory when large number of images is loaded. I don't want this list to be as slow as it's in HTC player (which tries to show the pics).

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Would it be possible to have an option to show the album art in pretty much every view? (For example when you are viewing "All songs").

Only if this won't slowdown the view. There is pretty high stress on device memory when large number of images is loaded. I don't want this list to be as slow as it's in HTC player (which tries to show the pics).

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe if there was an option so people can enable it if they want it. For people like me who listen only to singles, then we may have hundreds of songs on the sd card. Others who have full albums, they may have thousands. With an option this could be enabled or disabled based on their use model.

Thanks again for the great player!

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  • 7 months later...
Would it be possible to have an option to show the album art in pretty much every view? (For example when you are viewing "All songs").

Only if this won't slowdown the view. There is pretty high stress on device memory when large number of images is loaded. I don't want this list to be as slow as it's in HTC player (which tries to show the pics).

Thanks for this answer Max, I was gonna request exactly what he wrote which was to see album art thumbs on sides in the 'All Songs' list. It would be still nice to have this feature as an optional feature.

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First of all I would like to thank you for great work because I've been looking for a good music player for a VERY long time and finally this app does *almost* everything that I looking for :). Following are few thing that I would like to see added that will make it ultimate player (at least for me)

- Show artist picture when browsing by Artist (just like when browsing by album)

- Option to display album/artist pictures in Grid layout.

- Automatically download artist pictures.

- Ability to select artist/album art manually (out of the downloaded pictures).

All these features currently exist in Music Player Pro for Android (but it lack all the EQ functionality of Poweramp.)

Keep up the good work.

I'm not certain if my feature request is what Ajamils was referring to in the bolded/underlined quote above, but it would be nice to be able to choose album art from images on the SDCard... for me in particular, I have music from local artists who's album art doesn't generate. If I could choose album art from within my image gallery (say, I do have a logo of the local musician in my gallery) it would be nice to apply that as the album art for the song.

And ditto again on the great work.

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i also want to express the need to feature the album art MUCH more in the player - The success of Apple´s Ipod was closely connected to that prominent "flip album" view, and si´t really like to see something similar in Poweramp - let me browse thorugh the album art to select an album to hear!

Also, as requested, a "delete album Art" feature must be present since Poweramp sometimes loads a totally wromg Picture for an Album or Song and i don´t see any way to delete it.


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  • 3 months later...


I tested the current version of Poweramp and all my music collection is exclusively using OGG Vorbis format. Everything is fine from an audio perspective but none of my files show the embeded Album Art which is very annoying.

I've tested several players, they all sound good and support OGG but NONE of them support embeded album art with OGG :cry:

Of all tested players, Poweramp is, as of now, my favourite, hence the post in this forum.

I'm willing to register but I'll definitely wait until Album Art is fully supported.

Happy coding :D

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Ok now, I tried the 2.0 beta and... :shock: :shock: :shock: !

Wow... I'm having hard time finding something to complain about :mrgreen:

All my OGG files have a nicely displayed embedded album art and even better, I can prevent the standard "Media Scanner" to dig into my Music folder(s).

maxmpz: As soon as you release Poweramp 2.0, you can count a new customer ! :lol::D

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