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High Res Logo For High res Tracks

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hello is it possible to show a small high res audio logo inside the player for lossless tracks flacs and wav tracks, it would really look good inside..



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I believe use of that logo needs to be licenced from Sony, so not something Poweramp would do. Some other logo type could be offered of course, but you can already see the file format in the metadata line at the bottom of the player screen.

Of course, playing Devil's Advocate, what is the point of seeing a logo saying that the file is high-res if you can't already tell just by listening... ;) 


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21 minutes ago, Simmer said:

sir please add an option to add a custom logo there, it will look really good, or may be some theme creator has already done that ?

@Simmer What would you define as "High Res" though? If the source file has a bit depth above 16? Or a sample rate greater than 44.1kHz, or should it at least be 48kHz? Should this apply if either condition applies even with a lossy mp3 file? Or only for lossless formats like wav,FLAC, or  ALAC? And what if the original source was a low resolution lossy file that was just converted back up to one of these formats, with missing bits and all? There are so many arbitrary conditions that could apply for just a single logo or image. As @andrewilley has already suggested, you can already show the file details in the metadata line if you choose so you can see exactly what the current track formats are.

4 hours ago, andrewilley said:

what is the point of seeing a logo saying that the file is high-res if you can't already tell just by listening... ;) 

Objection - subjective your honour!🤣

In a way I do agree with you about this. But perhaps there is also some merit to those using the requested icon as verification that they should (could?) be able to hear something that might be better with a decent device and better headphones.

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I think the last time this came up the result was that as there is no real definition of what is "high-res" and what isn't, to keep it simple a very generalised process would be: any file with a sample frequency of 88kHz and 192kHz should be classed as "high-res", and anything above 192kHz as "very-high-res". Which would result in two types of Hi-Res icon, probably just with different colours.

Trying to create a convoluted system which also takes into account assorted lossy compressions vs. lossless, and 16/24/32-bit depths, would just get bogged down in complexity.


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I just have a Genre for "Lossless" and "Hi-Res" There is a unicode character for Hi-Res that works on android 🆨 You could put it in the titles of your songs.

Hi-Res is 24bit, 44khz and up on every major music streaming and purchase website. 16 bit 44 khz is Lossless and everything else is lossy. MQA is 24bit lossy.

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