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How to get Poweramp to play youtube music app

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If this is indeed about the stand-alone Poweramp Equalizer app (rather than the music player) then I'll move it to the relevant topic.

Not sure why you say you've paid for it many times? A licence purchase is perpetual, users who bought a licence from the Play Store ten years ago can still use that same licence for today's and future updates.


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If this is about the equalizer, see the previous replies

If not, then there is a way but it is quote janky: get NewPipe and enable "Use External Audio Player", then select Poweramp when you click in some video. It works like an internet radio stream in which you have pretty much no control over it on Poweramp though. It is pretty limited, and again, quite janky but it is doable.

Recommend using Poweramp Equalizer though if your main objective is not playing local files with Poweramp.

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