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Library fast scroll letters don't work

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It started 2 or 3 beta updates ago. In library mode, sorted by album, I cannot fast skip to interpret starting with letters K to T. If clicking one of these letters it jumps to the last available above, in my case starting with J. From letter U and downwards all is again functioning.


Version Info ======================
Build: Poweramp build-935-bundle-play full verified cached
Store: Play
Unlocker: build-303
Arch: 64
Skin: ActivityTheme_Black
Device: Xiaomi M2101K6G sweet sweet sweet_eea [arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
Installer: com.android.vending (30.2.19-21 [0] [PR] 443411457)
Android: 12 Redmi/sweet_eea/sweet:12/SKQ1.210908.001/V13.0.8.0.SKFEUXM:user/release-keys de_DE

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1 hour ago, manni122 said:

 I cannot fast skip to interpret starting with letters K to T. If clicking one of these letters it jumps to the last available above, in my case starting with J. From letter U and downwards all is again functioning.

Are you reporting a problem that you had that has been resolved?

If you are still experiencing the problem, do a full re-scan of library, try the same process on all songs library. 

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To have a smooth operation of Poweramp, it is good to take the pain to sort files. 

Avoid multiple layers of folders, use correct tag, multiple similar tags and files should be deleted, use similar files. Remove corrupt files, etc. 


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4 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I suspect that sometimes this can be caused by invalid characters in the field that is being used as the sort index ('Album' in your case).

I agree that this is most likely the case. Often features like sorting and the fast scroll Android API are not able to correctly parse invalid language characters. Try to make sure you are using something like UTF-8 or UTF-16 within your tagging software to correct this.

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So far it seems that a reduced library with only 20 albums with different interprets does not show this strange behaviour. Anyway I still need to figure out what the bug in my personal library is. I am going to check UTF-8/-16 characters. Thanks all of you!

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