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Back button to list screen

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When I hit back navigation button on Now Playing, Poweramp app fully minimize and take me to my phone's homescreen. Is it possible to go back to song list when I click back navigation button? Is there any settings for this I missed?

I switched to Poweramp Full Version few days back for surprisingly phenomenon audio output after using JetAudio Player for years. I still have habit to pressing back navigation button to go to songs list. Hope there is a settings to do that in Poweramp.

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The normal action when you press the Back button from any app's startup page is for the app to 'exit' back to the Android homepage.

You can change PA's default startup page though, using PA Settings > Look and Feel > Start at Library. Then when you press the Back button on the player screen, PA will return to the Library view song page. App exit will only occur if you press Back from the top level Library page (i.e. the startup page).


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