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Album Art

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That's as per current design, if you manually change an album's cover artwork, then it is changed for all tracks in that album.

You can always embed artwork per track into the separate audio files, but not within Poweramp.

I'll move this to Feature Requests, as it would be nice if it was an option in the artwork choice screen.


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52 minutes ago, maxmp said:

@Kyotsoo right, album art is per album. The exception is a Single where no album tag exists, then the image is per the Single.

Well, that makes sense in the album view, but songs can and do still have individual art despite being part of an album/EP/whatever the case may be.  I don't think it's right to dismiss this complaint as "wrong", rather make the functionality apply to all situations.  

For example, we can safely assume if a song doesn't have any art, then it should have the album's art.  But if songs are tagged with individual art, that art should be shown no matter what, and the album art should be either downloaded from the internet, or chosen by the user based on one of the songs in the album (which would have the album's art in the tag as opposed to individual art.) In the song view I want to see the individual song art if there is any, regardless of the album.  Those who always want to see the album art can tag their music appropriately.  Or, it can be an option in the settings.  This way everyone is satisfied.

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1 hour ago, superluig164 said:

 But if songs are tagged with individual art, that art should be shown no matter what,

It is. Artwork embedded in individual audio file tags should always be displayed separately for each track. Auto-downloaded art can be per-track too - for example all my singles are tagged with "(Singles)" as their Album Title, and "(Singles)" again in the Album Artist tag, and they have no Track# or Disc# tags. Nor have I bothered with trying to find 1,000+ separate images to embed into the files, not worth the time. PA has found them each some artwork automatically - well, something close anyway, exact matches are a bit hit-or-miss when it comes to single covers:


However if you manually select an image for a track in an album, then it is meant to be applied to the whole album. I do agree that a simple tickbox within the artwork selector screen, to say if the new image should be applied to the current track or the whole album, would be a nice addition though.


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1 minute ago, andrewilley said:

It is. Artwork embedded in audio file tags should always be displayed separately for each track. Auto-downloaded art can be per-track too - for example all my singles are tagged with "(Singles)" as their Album Title, and "(Singles)" again in the Album Artist tag, and they have no Track# or Disc# tags. Nor have I bothered with trying to find 1,000+ separate images to embed into the files, not worth the time. PA has found them each some artwork automatically - well, something close anyway, exact matches are a bit hit-or-miss when it comes to single covers:


However if you manually select an image for a track in an album, then it is meant to be applied to the whole album. I do agree that a simple tickbox within the artwork selector screen, to say if the new image should be applied to the current track or the whole album, would be a nice addition though.


Yeah, it is displayed that way until you disturb it and Poweramp takes over and changes them all.  After that you have no way of getting that individual art back unless you clear art cache, which proves that Max wants it that way, and I don't think it should be that way.  It changes art everywhere, not just in the album view, which is not how it should be.

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12 minutes ago, superluig164 said:

After that you have no way of getting that individual art back 

A bit of a clunky solution, but if you do change some album artwork accidentally you can restore the old separate images by deleting the PA cached file named "<track_artist> - <album_title>.jpg" from Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/selected_aa/ .


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5 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

A bit of a clunky solution, but if you do change some album artwork accidentally you can restore the old separate images by deleting the PA cached file named "<track_artist> - <album_title>.jpg" from Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/selected_aa/ .


It's a workaround, yeah.  I'm just saying Max should change that.

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