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Better info/tags design for navigation


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I think the goal of info/tags is to be able to see all the information that exists about a file. But info/tags is also the only option to navigate from a song in the library to for example it's genre. If I want to do that, I have to find the genre section in all that information, that I don't need when navigating through the library.

One easy solution would be to bring the most needed information up to the top. That would be for example title, artist, genre, album, album artist, composer, year (and maybe folder) (All the things that you can navigate to in the library). At the moment there's the filename, other file information, last played and more information at the top. Additionally, it would be great to be able to rate songs from there, without having to listen to the song.

When you long press the album cover on a currently played song, you get a different “menu” (see screenshot below), which can be used to navigate to for example the genre of the song. It would be great to have the options to navigate to album-artist, composer and year too. At the moment there's only artist, album, folder and genre.

Another idea for a better info/tags design would be a complete redesign based on the “menu” from Screenshot, with icons and a different layout. That would probably be cool but maybe also unnecessary. Another idea would be splitting navigation and info/tags into 2 different parts, so you can not only open info/tags by long pressing on a song in the library, but also a “navigation menu” like the one from Screenshot.

These are just my ideas, that would make it easier to navigate through the library for me personally.

By the way, I'm using the default skin.


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1 hour ago, Bencherished said:

How do you rate a song without listening to it first? 

If I find a song in the library that I like but haven't rated yet, it would be nice to be able to rate it without interrupting the song that is currently playing.

It's just a side note on my feature request. It's not a very important function.

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