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Custom Album Art for a stream doesn't work


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if i try to set a custom Album Art for a stream i can select one from my phone (jpg png) but it doesn't change to this. It sticks to the default Poweramp Album Art.

Poweramp v3-build-860-arm64-play
Oneplus 5T
Android 10
crDroid 6.3 (dumpling 02-14-2020)


Or is it possible to include the Album Art in an .m3u like...

#EXTINF:-1 stream-name="OpenLab" group-title="Chillout" stream-logo="<SDCARD or URL>",OpenLab FM


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  • 2 weeks later...

Works fine for me (build 862). I can select artwork for any streams that don't provide their own, either from the online searched list or from local Gallery files on the phone. The new artwork then displays in the source Playlist, in the new combined Streams category, and on the Player screen. 


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This may happen for streams without name - too short or just empty. The original name from playlist can be overwritten with the metadata sent in the stream. I will try to add workaround for this for the next 863 build. Thanks for the report.

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