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Failed to read/write settings file - Android Q


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I have a Pixel 3a that I am using to test Android Q beta on....

Poweramp can read my media library on internal storage fine.

However, I can not get it to import my settings file from my main phone, a Pixel 3, need the EQ settings etc to do my testing.

I can not export the settings either. I give cant read cant write error.

See attached.

Poweramp does have Storage permission in the System settings.

The message in the note for the Q beta do mention a change in how things are stored in the structure of the file system now in Q....perhaps Poweramp needs to be updated to support this change in file paths?

I could set the EQ settings back up manually....if only the EQ showed its db levels for the slider bars...would make is very easy. (feature request i suppose?)




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8 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I've not tried Android Q, but I know it does mess around (again) with storage configurations. Does that exact path descriptor exist on the device if you check in a file explorer?


Im not sure what u mean.

I can use a file explorer app and go to the same folder that I do on my non Q device, sdcard (Internal Storage), Android, data, com.maxmpz.audioplayer.

I put the settings files in there, PA cant find it. or try to get PA to save one...and it says not valid path.

Seems to me the app is hard coded to go to a path that no longer exists (storage/emulated/0/).

The correct path is /sdcard/Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer

I can set my Library path fine....but have no option to adjust the path it looks for the settings files in.

Personally, if I were designing this app, I would make it so that its "Settings" would save to the users media library folder that u set. That is where my Playlist files reside as well, for easy backup and restore, everything is just there in one folder. 

If this app has hard coded paths for its app/system files, then that may screw up other things that are stored there I would think.

This will be a bigger issue very very soon , as Android Q (10) is to be released sometime next month, August, which is very close.

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2 hours ago, speedingcheetah said:

Seems to me the app is hard coded to go to a path that no longer exists (storage/emulated/0/).

The correct path is /sdcard/Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer

That's what I was asking, does the symbolic path that PA is looking for exist on your device like it has on previous versions of Android, and the answer appears to be no.

I've moved the EQ setting chatter to its own thread, as it was not related to the Android Q settings discussion here.


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17 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

That's what I was asking, does the symbolic path that PA is looking for exist on your device like it has on previous versions of Android, and the answer appears to be no.

I've moved the EQ setting chatter to its own thread, as it was not related to the Android Q settings discussion here.


But IT IS related, indirectly....in that, i am trying to restore my EQ settings, via importing the SETTINGS file....but can not because of this issue.

If i could import my settings, then I would have not now need to nitpick over not having the exact EQ db values to be able to manually re-create my settings. I have over 15 custom EQs that have taken me years to get just right. 💀

I am very glad I bought the 3a to test the Q beta on....I am now able to test the apps I use everyday for functionality first, before I let my Pixel 3 update to Q.

Already found a few that don't work right and need to be updated/fixed.

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Take it up with Google too, as this is not the first time they've decided to rename or restructure storage and then expect everyone else to run around and re-write their code to match. It would be like Windows suddenly deciding on a whim that C:\ was no longer going to work for accessing the main hard drive on someone's PC.


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16 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Take it up with Google, this is not the first time they've decided to rename or restructure storage and expect everyone else to re-write their code to fit. It would be like Windows suddenly deciding on a whim that C:\ was no longer going to work to access the main hard drive on someone's PC.


They have already give devs plenty of notice on their intended file system changes shortly after P was released. It was first spotted in code during the P beta. Users only have now seen it implemented when 1st Q beta came out early this year.

There is also  to be a bigger change, again, next year, with complete sandboxing of apps file access, but Google decided to not implement that into Q, but it WILL be done in R.

Documentation on that can be found quite easily.

If app devs want to keep their apps functional and relevant, they have to keep up and adhere to the ever growing customer demand for privacy and security and thus what ever the OS manufacture put into place to address those demands. Apple has been doing it for many years....Google is only following suit.

And shifting the blame to Google is a cop-out and not saying anything useful.....after all, MS has made several drastic changes to their products over the years that were not well received (no start menu) and some that were...do users have a choice...nope.  

Hopefully, current users, who upgrade from P to Q, it will retain their P.A settings. But they will have to setup everything from scratch if they get a new device.

Overall, I do not see how this file path is such a contestable issue....just make the import/export option ask for a user selectable path and file, same as the Media library selector is. Problem solved? then when Google changes the file system locations again, u don't have to worry about where things got moved to.

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PA will be updated for any more foibles in Android Q, but since Q is not out yet it's possibly not a priority (I must admit I thought it worked generally). My point was why should all the devs in the world have to update their code - including such basic things as the path to the master storage location (which would be the same as C:\ not working in Windows) - every time Google has some new Bright Idea. An OS update is meant to run apps, not dictate to apps that they must change too.

And with Windows updates, you don't have to update - well, not until the OS gets to end-of-life. I didn't update from XP to Vista, but went straight to 7. And I didn't update from 7 to either 8 or 8.1, although I do now run 10. I still prefer the user-interface from 7 though. That said, on Android I really disliked Material Design generally (I still do) and I stuck out with KitKat until PA forced me to update fairly recently.


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There are no doubt other issues with PA in Q, with the exception of the afore mentioned Settings import/export issues, seems to be minor UI / Theme issues in my brief testing as of yet.

When I enable the "Override Force-Dark mode" in Dev settings, the Song Title and Artist that show on the now playing screen (on top of the album art) is just white bars, cant read text.

The buttons become inverted color (white) and the seek bars as well. EQ dials and sliders.

Lock screen always blurs the cover art to the point it is pretty much not there.

Not sure how this new Android setting does it in  the back-end, but it makes all apps that support a Dark mode dark reguard less of the apps settings.

Anywho, feel free to hit me up for any testing or diag things needed for a update for PA on Q. 

Though I would think that the dev Max would be proactive enough to have a supported device(or a emulator) on Q beta to test out his app to test for issues...

Like I said before, Q's public release for Pixel phones (and phones that get near immediate updates, like  Essential Nokia etc) is about a month away....so has been reported anyway.



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