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Album artist tag support


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  • 1 month later...

+1 for this - paid for Pro already, since this is head and shoulders the best gapless playback I've had on android, but album artist displaying properly in library view is essential for compilation & mixed albums.Currently shows artist for final track. Not ideal.

Thanks. Great app.

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+1 - YES! Please implement this at least as an option to allow people like us who maintain the album artist tags to make full use of them.

I've seen a couple of other separate threads on this already:

http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/1759-only-show-album-artists/ - about 8 users requesting this...

http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/1296-album-artist-support/ - 2 users wanting the feature

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I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who's waiting for such a feature in this otherwise perfect app.

I listen to a lot of DJ mixes and while the cue sheet support makes Poweramp the ideal player for this purpose, the consequence of having a lot of such mixes in the library makes the Artits view pretty much useless. Poweramp really needs album artist tag support!

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This really can't come soon enough. It's always been one of my Android pet peeves and now that the official Google app does it correctly (and was in the CyanogenMod mainline before that) it should be easier to implement; having a proper point of comparison.

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