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That Poweramp v3 is compatible to android KitKat 4.4 at least


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Good morning, afternoon or evening !!!! I would like Poweramp v3 to be compatible with kitkat I still have even a device with 4.4 kitkat and many people too, would it be nice to leave v2 behind and expand the market to which v3 is aimed at would not it be great to see more devices with the new version?
I would even offer myself a beta tester if necessary. When it happens I will buy the corresponding license.
Greetings from Mexico!!!

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Unfortunately It is impossible to make Poweramp v3 compatble with any android level below 5. Developers are encouraged that apps make use of the latest features. These new features are in google releases known as api's. Lots of features and behaviours in Poweramp v3 are only possible with the later api's, earlier versions do not know about the new stuff so they wont be able to run Poweramp v3



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