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A Few Questions About V3


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Hi everyone. 

I just got V3 and I've got some questions... 

  • On the Now Playing screen...
    • Is there a way to show play, previous and next buttons? I see them on the widget and lock screen, but not the Now Playing screen. Seems inconsistent to not have them on some and not others. I see I can use gestures on the Now Playing screen, but if I want to go back 3 songs I have to swipe 3 times, and each time I hear the start of each song between where I was and where I want to be. Or, I long press play (to stop playback) then I swipe back 3 times. Or, I go back into the album, then tap on the song I want, which is more tapping too. 
    • Is there an option to hide the song, artist and album text, or maybe move it off the album artwork? I would like to see the entire album artwork if possible. The last version had buttons on the artwork that I could never remove. :( 
    • Regarding the time counter, is there an option to show the time left in a song, rather than time elapsed? I think V2 had this? 
  • In the Library, under Artists (or Album Artists)... 
    • Am I able to remove the thumbnails from the list (so it's a pure text list)? I understand showing album art thumbnails for browsing Albums, but I don't want it for Artists. Nearly every other music player for Android is like this, and this was one thing that made Poweramp stand apart in a VERY good way. Pure text lists are awesome. 
    • When queueing songs or albums, the last version had an option where newly queued music would play after what is currently playing, which could be a full album (or list). In Settings > Library > Queue there only seems to be the option to "start playing queue immediately" as enabled or disabled, and "if disabled, queue is started after the current track." So this means if I'm halfway through an album, then decide to queue up the next album, it will either start immediately or after the current song, only. This is... yeah, VERY limiting. We used to be able to tell it to play at the end of the list (which in this case would be at the end of the current ALBUM, not just song).
  • Android Auto is not available in this version, correct? 
  • I'm having an issue with Last.fm not showing in my notification bar. Sometimes it appears and then disappears nearly straight away. Other times it stays for a few minutes, then next time I look it's gone. Last version was a bit buggy with last.fm scrobbler, but there seems to be less "getting along" now. Maybe this one is better for a separate thread. 
  • Will I only be able to use paid skins from the last version IF I downgrade back to V2? No chance of backwards compatibility? One such paid skin shows up as a choice, but I am unable to select it (annoying). 

I think that's all for now. 

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- Settings / Look and Feel / Skin / Pro buttons
- Settings / Look and Feel / Skin / Alternative Layout
- no, and actually I don't have requests for this ever 🙂

- while you can change per artist images to placeholder, there is no general option. Let me add this into TODO
- settings / Library / Queue / Start Playing Queue Immediately (uncheck)

- there are plans for Android Auto, but don't expect hi-res, DVC. or any other advanced Poweramp audio engine options via that limited API
- ensure you have latest last.fm app, Other apps are enabled in its scrobbling settings and disable all scrobble options in Poweramp (leave defaults). It tested and it works. It may skip tracks which were played during e.g. connection of wired headset / bt connection / calls / notifications with sound. These events pause Poweramp temporarily, last.fm app sees that and resets playback progress below 50% internally (so track may be considered not played enough)
- v2 skins are for v2. v3 skins are for v3 (and hopefully v4 :-) ) Skin authors can pretty easily (1-2 days time frame) adapt their skins to new v3 SDK (keeping graphics, etc.). But these are completely independent developers.

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Thanks for the reply! 

  • Play, next, and previous buttons: Awesome!
  • Hiding / moving artist and song titles: Thanks! 
  • Countdown timer: That is a shame! Winamp has it, and I love it, but it's not a big deal. I thought the last version of Poweramp had it too? I might be mistaken. 
  • Removing / hiding images for artists to give a pure text list: Can you tell me where the placeholder option is? I found what looks like something similar, but it's only for album art. If not, I will wait for the TODO. 
  • Queue: If I uncheck "start playing queue immediately" then the queue will start when the current song I'm playing finishes. This is not so good if I am half way through an album and queue up another, because I still want to finish listening to the first album. So V3 gives us 2 options, either immediately or after current song. Previous version gave us 3 options, immediately, after current song or after current list (folder/album/playlist/etc.). I used that 3rd option all the time and miss it. :(
  • Android Auto: Cool. I'm happy to wait. 
  • Last.fm: Ok, I will try again. 
  • Skins: Ok, understood, cool. :)

One more thing... Can we get an option to NOT ignore songs less than 2 seconds or shorter? The shortest amount V3 will allow is 2 seconds, but previous version allowed us to choose "don't ignore - include all." I listen to some Grindcore now and then, and they have ridiculously short songs. Yes, even 1 second songs. See here for evidence: https://analtrump.bandcamp.com/album/that-makes-me-smart

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On 12/19/2018 at 10:18 AM, griff said:
  • Countdown timer: That is a shame! Winamp has it, and I love it, but it's not a big deal. I thought the last version of Poweramp had it too? I might be mistaken. 
  • This is not so good if I am half way through an album and queue up another, because I still want to finish listening to the first album. So V3 gives us 2 options, either immediately or after current song. Previous version gave us 3 options, immediately, after current song or after current list (folder/album/playlist/etc.).

One more thing... Can we get an option to NOT ignore songs less than 2 seconds or shorter? T

1) A few people have asked for that in the past. Perhaps Max could add an option by tapping on the total-time counter on the right to toggle that between the total running time of the track and a countdown to the end of the track?

2) Max has said he plans to re-introduce the old 3-way choice for the Queue Start option (so Start Immediately, Start after current song, or Start after current list).

3) Don't worry, that one catches everyone out. :) You can scroll up the list and there is one extra choice above "2 seconds" which is to not ignore any tracks. @maxmp could you maybe set the entry position for that popup to display the top of the list, as a lot of people don't know it scrolls. Thanks.


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