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PA assigns sub-folder icons to main folder


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I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature...

I have my music in a /musik/artist/album structure, I have no Folder.jpg's on the artist level and that's how I wan't to have it, nice and clean. Now PA has picked the Folder.jpg from the first album folder and assigned that to the artist level structure.

In my opinion PA shouldn't do things like this, if there isn't a Folder.jpg, then it should just assign a generic folder icon.

@maxmp I where very happy with the default folder icon in the dark theme of PA, could you please share that icon with me, and then I could just save it as Folder.jpg in the folders where I want a generic icon?


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That would be the same functionality as songs in a folder/album, where the folder (or album) would be assigned the artwork of the first song that it contains rather than leaving it blank. I assume the same would apply up a level too. To override this, put some generic image file in the upper level folder.


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I really like the PA wave logo as it matches the skin.  @maxmp could you please make the wave logo available so that I could put it into as a Folder.jpg in all folders where I don't want to have a "random" image?


Programatically it makes sense that a folder inherits the image of the first item in the folder, at least if it's an music track, but I'm not sure if it's a good logic to apply if the first item is a sub-folder. Guess this is to be considered a feature after all.

Maybe this should be turned into a new feature request: "Assign child item folder art to parent" (Uses the first items Image as the image for the folder)



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Fixed for now.

I took a screen shot of PA and ripped the image from there and  a quick and dirty copy loop so now I have a Folder.jpg in all the artist folders.

But I do still feel it's bad to assign the first items icon as the Folder icon, maybe if the first item is a track, but not if it's a folder.


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3 hours ago, 6b6561 said:

But I do still feel it's bad to assign the first items icon as the Folder icon, maybe if the first item is a track, but not if it's a folder.

That is the way Windows has displayed folder thumbnails in photos and video hierarchies for years, it just picks the first piece of artwork it finds in the sub-folder. But I agree the results of such an automated process can be a bit a hit-or-miss.


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