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external hard disk 11250 songs


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@maxmp I've posted this before. I have around 20k+ songs, all in my SD card. When doing full rescan, seems like Poweramp has a time limit or something like that. When full rescan is complete, usually I can see all of my songs, but only around first 2/3 have the correct tag and album art. The last 1/3 are missing tag and album art and even unplayable. Usually doing a rescan (not full rescan again) should fix it so not a big deal, but it's still a bug.

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I also have lots of songs in my library and Poweramp 2.x never had any issues with it. Poweramp 3.x on the other hand seems to have lots of problems when rescanning the library. I often have the problems that tags are missing after the rescan. Sometimes I only get the artists, sometimes the title tags only show the file name and so on. The thing is that after rescanning the library MULTIPLE times the tags seem to be complete again. Probably Poweramp 3.x cannot deal with scanning in the background as well as the old version did?

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