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Lock playlist to songs in the list


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I have multiple artist with multiple albums.  I create playlists so I can listen to only songs that I want to hear at that particular time.  However, when listening to a playlist, the list can easily get scrambled. If I start swiping left or right to skip a song, the list may come to the beginning or end and then other songs get mixed into the list and its a pain to get back to the list I was listening to.  Especially when listening in the car.  I can't just fix the playlist when driving. 

I would be nice to lock the list to only the songs in the list.  If I swipe to the beginning, then it stops. If I swipe to the end, then either stop or go back to the beginning. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

This feature already exists, set repeat mode to "Repeat list" and shuffle mode to "Shuffle Songs". Now if we could get an option to make this the default mode when you choose to play playlist or simply lock them would be good. As of right now i have to rembember to hit the play and not the shuffle buttons when selecting a playlist or else it gets into the wrong shuffle mode.

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