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Shuffle Function Confirmation


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Hi everyone,

I'm not quite sure if shuffle is doing what I actually want which is to give equal priority to each artist. That is to say in the given scenario:

1) I have 10 artists, some with 10 songs and some with 1000+ songs

2) In 100 plays shuffle will give around 10 songs each representing each artist.

Now the problem is I'm not sure if this functionality is happening if I operate in library mode (clicking any random song then switching to shuffle lists/songs and advance list) or long pressing the master library folder in folder mode and then pressing shuffle. Can anyone clarify this for me? Also shuffle lists, songs in order and shuffle songs, lists in order sometimes seem to be identical.

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Shuffle does not give priority to any particular files, it should randomly shuffle whatever list you have asked it to (there are several options).

If you play in Artists mode and set Shuffle to "Shuffle Songs, Lists in Order", then you should hear all the songs from one artist shuffled, then all the songs from the next artist shuffled, etc. Using All Songs mode will randomly shuffle everything on your device.


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On 9/15/2017 at 4:57 PM, Eriejar said:

So would the shuffling lists and songs option not give more weight to artists with more songs? Been playing around with it and it seems like it is what I'm looking for.

No, it is not weighted. Other than if you have 99 songs by one artists and 1 by anyone else, you're going to hear a lot more of the first artist.


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