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  1. So, I really like the parametric eqs. But, there is one thing bugging me a bit. You can assign EQs to a device, or title. You see the 'problem': If you use different devices with your personal equalizer settings and THEN ALSO want to use Title-specific settings, the Title settings override your settings for the device you are using. Now, the solution should be rather easy: Add a global EQ (the way it is now) in which you can apply settings to everything. Then, add a button for the device you are using and the current title. Don't make it too hard to program: If the global EQ is parametric, the device and title EQs should be as well. If its regular banded, the same applies. So you can set one parametric and one banded for each device/title seperately which will be applied based on the global EQ mode. Programming-wise, just add the parametric bands into the equalizer and you should be good; in banded mode, the bands need to be either all the same size (meaning if you use simple adding and subtracting for each band/slider to get the final eq) or if you are feeling fancy, use some curve math and the bands amount will be more or less arbitrary.) I recommend, as a first and easy-to-implement measure, just start with parametric-only support and maybe include locked-amount-of-eq-bands support after. This should not require any rework of any EQ-frameworks you use, as its basically just a bunch of additions/subtractions from the final EQ the program actually uses. Thank you sincerely for your consideration.
  2. The Poweramp Equaliser app is designed to operate with other Android audio apps which already specifically allow external modification of their sound output - and you can see and enable those apps in the 'Known Players' list in Settings - but there are some other audio playing apps which don't indicate that they allow access to their audio output for this sort of adjustment. The following is a slightly tweaky method (which does not need root) to allow Android to override other app's output limitations and provide EQ support for most audio apps. It's a one-off task, so once it's done you shouldn't need to do it again. You will first need to connect your phone or tablet to an external computer/phone/tablet via a USB cable. For phone-to-phone connections (which don't support regular USB cables) use a USB OTG ("On The Go") cable. Once connected, the easiest method to assign the necessary permissions is to use our provided web-based tool - https://powerampapp.com/webadb - which you must access using the Chrome or Edge browser on the other device. This method doesn't require anything to be installed, you just go to the web page and follow the instructions. Note: on some phones/tablets, you may first need to go into the Android Developer Options and activate the "Disable Permission Monitoring" toggle switch. Your phone/tablet may also pop up a prompt requesting permission for the external device to connect via USB, just accept the request. You are now done with the USB cable, and you should be able to activate the actual feature on your phone/tablet via PA-EQ Settings > Equalizer > Advancer Player Tracking: Clicking on Notification Listener Permissions in the above screen will take you to the following Android screen so you can enable access for the PA-EQ app: After all that is done, play something in one of the previously-missing apps (e.g. YouTube Vanced) and you should see it as selectable in the PA-EQ Settings > Equalizer > Known Players list: If you are more technically minded, you can also do this using an command-line instruction in ADB (Android Debug Bridge) on a computer to create the necessary permissions on your phone via a USB cable connection. If you don't have ADB installed on your computer, see the instructions in https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/ . There is also a website which can generate ADB commands on a computer and send them to a connected phone via USB cable: https://webadb.com . You can even use another phone if you have a suitable OTG USB cable to connect between the two devices, using an app like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.htetznaing.adbotg to issue the ADB commands. Once ADB is ready on your computer or other external device, open a command-line window and type the following command (shown in red) to link to your USB-connected phone: C:\WINDOWS\system32> adb devices * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037 * daemon started successfully List of devices attached R58M471DJAX unauthorized C:\WINDOWS\system32> As shown by the error above, your phone may ask for permission the first time you do that: After allowing on your phone, try again: C:\WINDOWS\system32> adb devices List of devices attached R58M471DJAX device C:\WINDOWS\system32> adb shell pm grant com.maxmpz.equalizer android.permission.DUMP C:\WINDOWS\system32> You are now done with the computer connection, everything else is in the phone app now. Andre
  3. Out of all Android equalizers I've tried, Poweramp EQ is the best one. Just like my new headphones, it combines unmatched technical advancement with convenient user experience. Poweramp EQ deserves every cent paid for it. It could be even better. There is a feature I would like to suggest: control over subsonic frequencies in the parametric EQ. Why calibrate sub-20 hz frequencies in the parametric EQ even if we don't hear them? 1. You can still feel them and many users would love to have the control over this feeling Feeling sound is integral part of listener experience. It makes you feel as if it adds some "movement" to the music. Getting a back massage from car's subwoofer, experiencing wind and pressure from acoustics in your local cinema or - if you have ever attended a catholic church - feeling the floor shake in response to organ's lowest notes always produces an unforgettable impression. You have definitely tested your subwoofer with the title theme from The Dark Knight or the legendary bass check from Hoods Run Down, and if you don't have a sub, you would definitely do it when you get it. Everyone loves feeling the music no less than hearing it. Giving users control over these feelings would make Poweramp even better. And also, some people can really hear them. 2. Adding infrasound frequencies would let use low-Q filters on them, which may contol audible frequencies in ways currently not possible in the parametric EQ, which is crucial for fine-grained control over some audio This is the main reason why I created this post. Many audio systems, especially open-back headphones, are not capable of producing sub-bass at the same volume as the rest of their frequency range. It can be fixed with EQ, but in some cases it is very difficult or even impossible with the parametric EQ of Poweramp, because fine-grained control over these frequencies requires low-Q filters in the infrasound range, where they cannot be placed. Take my headphones as example. I use Axelvox HD241, which are a clone of Superlux HD688B, which are a replica of some budget AKG model. To my ear, their response in the bass range is absolutely flat down to 30 hz, and then they start to roll off. I can still feel the thump down to 20 hz and below, but the volume difference is still very easy to notice. Let's fix it with the parametric EQ: I chose the 12 db because the available measurements of these headphones show 12 db decrease between 20 and 30 hz, and 0.8 q because it achieves the exact +12 db gain at 20 hz. But, apparently, this config is bad. Why? Take a look at this: That's right - when equalizing with these settings, the 30 hz frequency (and everything around) gets boosted too, and the volume difference between the 20 and 30 hz remains the same - not to mention that it also elevates volume of frequencies which I would like to have intact. But maybe it is not that bad and I can just try other settings. Let's try the most extreme filter with Q = 12 to avoid interference with frequencies at 30hz and above: The knob is only +1.3, but since the Q is extreme, the actual gain is around +12. Do you think we have solved the problem? Only partly. And we have also introduced other two, one of which is not obvious at all. First of all, volume of frequencies at 30 hz and above is still influenced by these settings. Although less than by the previous settings, it turns some compositions from my playlist (particularly Maul by Kevin Penkin) into horrendous rumbling, which makes me worried for my aesthetic pleasure, health of my ears and lifespan of my headphones. Second, extreme filter settings introduce distortion to the sound. Every EQ I've heard introduces some distortion with extreme EQ settings. Poweramp EQ introduces the least of them, but they are still hearable. I can hear this annoying "zzzz" oscillating saw noise when the Q is too high. It is definitely not clipping because it is also present if I try to reduce the bass, and I can hear actual clipping if I make the volume on my phone too high. Maybe this noise is not heard in the vast majority of the music, but it is still annoying and unsatisfying to think that these settings are not perfect. But okay, we can somehow deal with these two problems if we... simply reduce the volume gain. Why? Because the measurements of these headphones made on reference microphones do not line up with the measurements made with my supreme, objective and unbiased (no) hearing, and, apparently, the +1.3 db with Q = 12 is too high. +0.7 would be enough: When listening to music with these settings, there is no annoying rumbling at around 30 hz, and the volume of 20 and 30 hz is perceived at around the same level. I believe that I can still hear difference in volume when listening to test tones, but I usually listen to music and not test tones. Also, the extreme Q distortion is more difficult to notice now. Do you think that it is the solution? No! I said that we have introduced two new problems. The extreme Q distortion was only one of them. The second is not obvious at all, but it will scare away every perfectionist audiophile like me. Take a close look at this: Do you see what's wrong? The filter that compensates the 20-30 hz roll-off does not sustain the volume of infrasonic frequencies at least at the adjusted volume of 20 hz, and the filter that does it interferes with bass frequencies too much to comfortably listen to music! What if I stump across a recording with infrasonic frequencies and won't be able to feel them (my headphones are apparently capable of reproducing them)? This is just horrible! As a perfectionist audiophile, I feel offended! All the problems listed above can probably be fixed with some eq-jutsu in cascade mode, but doing it is absolutely annoying and time-wasting. The best solution to these problems would be to allow the control over infrasonics in the parametric EQ to use the no-distortion low-Q filters to adjust audible frequencies. It will solve so many problems, holy cow, I can't imagine how happy I will be when the Poweramp developers add this feature. I can't imagine how many users of budget audio would be happy to get this to achieve that perfect sound they could only dream of. And the solution is to implement just one feature. 3. The parametric EQ simply should have subsonic frequencies just because the graphic EQ already has them, and their lack in the parametric EQ makes the app feel incomplete The graphic EQ already has knobs for frequencies below 20 hz. It is just absurd that, for some unbelievable reason, the parametric EQ can't have them too! If you have implemented them in the graphic EQ, why don't implement them in the parametric one? Even if I can't hear any difference between identical settings of graphic and parametric EQ in a blind test, there are at least four problems with the graphic EQ compared to the parametric EQ. Graphic EQ is so less convenient. If I need to add +9 db to everything above 150 hz on a poorly mixed track, the parametric EQ allows to do it with just one knob. If I need to do it in the graphic EQ, I have to adjust each knob 9 db up, and probably have presets made for each corner case. And so on. This adds so much unnecessary overhead. Adjusting lower frequencies in the graphic EQ also influences frequencies around them, which is simply a catastrophe for fine-grained equalization. If you don't believe me - try to play 50 hz tone (or any other tone that your audio is capable of playing) and adjust frequencies around +-5, 10, 15 and 20 hz. The more the gain, the more interference with other frequencies. Adjusting lower frequencies in the graphic EQ too much introduces that annoying oscillating zzzz saw sound about which I wrote in the previous paragraph. Even if I can't distinguish between the graphic and parametric EQ during a blind test, my feelings of a perfectionist audiophile would be still offended. I will never find peace in this world until the parametric EQ will allow users add knobs to control subsonic frequencies. *** I believe this feature is what will make the Poweramp EQ the best mobile EQ in the universe. It will solve SO MANY problems, and it must take around zero time to implement (just set the lowest frequency for the parametric EQ at 5 hz instead of 20). I hope that I convinced the developers to implement this feature and everyone else to vote for it. Thanks.
  4. Poweramp Equalizer does not seem to work with Youtube Vanced and YT Music Vanced. It detects the app but equalization is not working. I have given advanced player tracking permissions, both DUMP and Notification listener. Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Android version: 11 Poweramp equalizer build: 899-908 Vanced Youtube Music version: 4.39.50
  5. This is an approximate equalizer setting relative to the normal use of our device (without noise reduction). I hope this helps someone. Who can make a more correct setup, please share with me. EDIFIER W820NB Plus [22 сент. 2023 г. 20_59_27].json
  6. https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxmpz.equalizer Builds 960-963: search and filtering in the equalizer preset list User/Built-in/AutoEq, Graphic/Parametric, Assigned filters available Device button to search for the currently connected device preset AutoEq presets preinstalled and available via preset list search can be used to find appropriate device preset AutoEq presets are locked from being changed by default preset list doesn't always load all the entries to keep UI fast AutoEq presets are suggested on the device connection AutoEq preset can be graphic and/or parametric, with the different frequency response measurement (for example, Harman in-ear, Innerfidelity, etc.) preset can be immediately checked and assigned to the device AutoEq is suggested only if no preset is selected/assigned yet for the device new Suggest AutoEq Presets option new Reset the Disabled AutoEq Suggestions option Import AutoEq Presets option can be used to import/update all the AutoEq presets in bulk graphic and parametric presets can be applied freely equalizer mode (graphic/parametric) is defined by the preset removed Equalizer Type option presets can be locked to avoid accidental change parametric preset allows locking the individual bands graphic preset is locked as a whole preset autosave is not forced for Parametric mode anymore when autosave is disabled, changes are automatically saved into the Default preset when autosave is enabled, changes are automatically saved into the currently selected preset new equalizer screen menu Added new actions and actions previously available in the preset list new skin option - Eq. Graphic Mode Curve Themed App Icon support for Android 13
  7. The reverb option in Poweramp is basically useless to me, i could easily do without it but the compressor feature in Poweramp Equalizer is essential to me now. As you can see Poweramp doesn't have the compressor controls and only has reverb control in the 3rd bar.
  8. Hi, i am premium user from years. But i am facing a problem that is While listening song on Spotify, when i visit youtube (or any other Equalizer supported app) Poweramp Equalizer stop working. Than i go to option 'Enable audio Processing'. Is there any permanent option to solve this?? Is we can't use Equalizer for many at the same time? There is any way for multiple apps? 😲 😰 ---- While Playing Spotify >> when i open youtube >> Stop working Equalizer
  9. The issue is with some of the presets that i made. Actually the bands assigned to their respective frequencies dont seem to be actually controlling them or some of them are not working. I tried resetting the app and importing the backup files again but the issue seems to be with the files which have been exported previously also ( exported before the problem happened ). [imp] >> On changing the order of bands, that one works but some other band stops working or misbehaves(controls different frequencies).There is also a volume issue on bluetooth with those few presets, that sudden volume boosts when turning up from 0 to any higher value.The issue first happened when i added 32nd band on the eq.Now it wont go and i tried importing the files previously exported but they are also malfunctioning. Sudden Volume boost and bands misbehaving . Tried clearing data but nothing helps.I just want to get my eq presets working as it took me long to make them.I tried redesigning that preset on an old backup file ( which had the basic settings and all) keeping the no of bands limited to 30. It works initially then the next time it malfunctions again. Attached some files, the failing prests are "modify" "Bl soft.." contrasted to the working ones >>"soft [room Corrected] " this work fine even on bluetooth. On samsung galaxy J7 Pro 2017 android 9 pie File 1.poweramp-backup Jul-22--2022-14-04-41.poweramp-settings Jul-24--2022-21-20-21.poweramp-settings
  10. Before I switched to Poweramp I used wavelet (opensource Headphone specific equalization) for better music experience. I know it decreases sound quality but It was necessary for some of my headphones to be enjoyable. I can't use wavelet whit Poweramp hifi output (Lg V20) and would like to see a Parametric Equalizer integrated in Poweramp. AutoEq is an opensource project on github. its a library of over 2000 headphones parametric Eq settings for making the sound more Harman tuned. I would like to see the preset library be implemented whit an Parametric Equalizer. Thank You in Advance! AutoEq GitHub link: https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq
  11. Please, add support for AutoEq project, by import GraphicEQ settings. With parametric Eq it's possible to approximate the results but it have to be done manualy. An import option like in the app Wavelet would be great. And, having the option to adjust Bass and treble too(like in parametric eq). This is an example for KZ ZSN Pro X earphones: GraphicEQ: 20 -5.9; 21 -6.0; 22 -6.1; 23 -6.2; 24 -6.3; 26 -6.4; 27 -6.4; 29 -6.5; 30 -6.6; 32 -6.7; 34 -6.8; 36 -6.8; 38 -6.9; 40 -7.0; 43 -7.1; 45 -7.2; 48 -7.4; 50 -7.5; 53 -7.6; 56 -7.8; 59 -7.9; 63 -8.0; 66 -8.2; 70 -8.4; 74 -8.4; 78 -8.5; 83 -8.6; 87 -8.6; 92 -8.6; 97 -8.7; 103 -8.7; 109 -8.8; 115 -8.8; 121 -8.8; 128 -8.8; 136 -8.8; 143 -8.7; 151 -8.7; 160 -8.6; 169 -8.5; 178 -8.4; 188 -8.4; 199 -8.3; 210 -8.2; 222 -8.0; 235 -7.9; 248 -7.7; 262 -7.4; 277 -7.2; 292 -6.9; 309 -6.6; 326 -6.3; 345 -6.0; 364 -5.7; 385 -5.3; 406 -5.0; 429 -4.7; 453 -4.5; 479 -4.1; 506 -3.8; 534 -3.6; 565 -3.3; 596 -3.0; 630 -2.7; 665 -2.5; 703 -2.2; 743 -2.0; 784 -1.7; 829 -1.6; 875 -1.5; 924 -1.5; 977 -1.7; 1032 -1.9; 1090 -2.4; 1151 -2.9; 1216 -3.5; 1284 -4.0; 1357 -4.3; 1433 -4.5; 1514 -4.7; 1599 -4.8; 1689 -5.1; 1784 -5.2; 1885 -5.4; 1991 -5.7; 2103 -6.1; 2221 -6.3; 2347 -6.3; 2479 -5.8; 2618 -4.9; 2766 -3.8; 2921 -2.6; 3086 -1.6; 3260 -0.8; 3443 -0.3; 3637 -0.2; 3842 -0.5; 4058 -1.2; 4287 -2.5; 4528 -4.6; 4783 -6.3; 5052 -7.1; 5337 -6.4; 5637 -4.9; 5955 -3.5; 6290 -2.0; 6644 -1.5; 7018 -3.0; 7414 -4.0; 7831 -4.0; 8272 -3.6; 8738 -3.5; 9230 -3.8; 9749 -4.3; 10298 -4.9; 10878 -5.5; 11490 -6.0; 12137 -6.7; 12821 -7.4; 13543 -8.2; 14305 -9.1; 15110 -10.1; 15961 -11.1; 16860 -12.2; 17809 -13.4; 18812 -14.6; 19871 -15.9 All the settings come with this format. AutoEq : jaakkopasanen/AutoEq: Automatic headphone equalization from frequency responses (github.com) The dark green line is the paracmetric eq vs the original GraphicEq
  12. https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxmpz.equalizer Changes: new Parametric Equalizer Mode available for Premium initially empty, bands added/removed/organized by user configurable parameters allow high level of sound customization with just a few bands band parameters: type Low Pass/High Pass - passes the signal starting from the defined frequency, resonant with higher Q factor Low Shelf/High Shelf - similar to Low Pass/High Pass with a flatter frequency response Band Pass - passes the signal around user defined frequency Peaking Band - narrower version of the Band Pass channels - applies band to the left, right, or both channels gain - the amplification of the band, may be negative frequency - the center/cutoff point of the band Q - bandwidth and the resulting frequency response curve for the band bands have user configurable background color for easier identification parametric presets are separate from the graphic ones parametric mode has Auto save always enabled, changes are auto saved to the currently selected preset <Default preset> (the implicit preset which is used when no preset selected) is visible in the preset list, but can\'t be deleted/renamed new Bands Overlap option two modes: Envelope (default) and Cascade Smooth Equalizer/Tone Gains option (enabled by default) limits overload for the overlapped bands presets now always have tone (Bass/Treble) stored in them built-in presets may also have tone values - usually at 0 few tone-only presets added new Poweramp WebADB tool works in Chrome browser on PC or on other Android phone open WebADB on the other usb connected PC/Android device to unlock ADB functionality on this device with the Equalizer installed knob values can be edited via long press preset sharing/import/export via long press in preset list Presets saved/loaded in JSON format presets also can be imported by opening via file manager both Equalizer .pa-eq-preset and AutoEQ .txt files are supported AutoEQ graphic and parametric formats supported and imported to the graphic or parametric presets appropriately. Equalizer adds +6dB to AutoEQ graphic gains new Rounded option for Equalizer Screen Spectrum spectrum (bars) visualizations are rendered in higher quality (screen resolution) support for spectrum bar peaks visualization new Settings Font option new option switchers in Settings improved player detection in the Advanced Player Tracking mode bug fixes and stability improvements translations updates, huge thanks to our Crowdin translators The parametric mode will be ported to Poweramp player. Supporting Equalizer by purchasing premium supports further Poweramp player development.
  13. Hello, Would it be possible to allow frequencies over 20kHz in parametric EQ? I'm using AutoEQ to create parametric EQ filters that match a target frequency response and one of the filters requires me to input a frequency of 24042Hz, which isn't currently possible. The value reverts to 20kHz every time I try try a higher frequency. Thank you!
  14. https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.maxmpz.equalizer Poweramp Equalizer is an advanced audio processing app based on Poweramp player with many features and options from the original app Admin Notes / FAQs : Poweramp Equalizer ONLY works on Android 9+ (Android 10+ recommended) as it requires features that were only recently added to Android. Support for external equaliser access needs to have already been implemented by the external audio-playing app - and even if an app supports external equalisation, it may need to be enabled within that player's settings (more info). Equalizer Engine Poweramp-based equalizer configurable number of bands: fixed 5/8/10/12/15/16/24/31/32 or custom 5-32 with configurable start/end frequencies +/-15dB powerful Bass/Treble tone controls preamp built-in and user-defined presets presets can be assigned per specific device preset autosaving limiter and compressor balance Poweramp DVC mode for the highest possible equalization range and non-DVC mode supported globally and per player app most 3rd party player/streaming apps supported In some cases, equalizer should be enabled in the player app settings UI: Poweramp-based UI visualizations .milk presets and spectrums are supported Poweramp 3rd party preset packs are supported too configurable notifications Poweramp 3rd party skins are supported configurable Light and Dark skins included Utilities: auto-resume on headset/Bluetooth connection volume keys controlled resume/pause/track change Track change requires extra permission Known issues: on Samsungs, Hi-Res track playback (for example in Samsung Player) can't be detected, causing bands frequency shift YouTube Music is currently buggy with equalizer audio sessions, some workaround may be possible with "Don't play music videos" option
  15. The Frequency of the parametric equalizer is only up to 20hz, please do it 5hz to 20Khz. And the tone Q of bass and treble is up to 2, please do it - 12Q to 12Q. PS: Can you suggest me the best compressor settting for full bass. Add reverb on PEQ, thank you.
  16. Hello. I got Poweramp a few months ago and I really enjoy the attention to detail when it comes to the mixing and equalizing. However, one feature I would love to have included more in the app, is drums! When I start editing the different part, it often drown out the drums a bit. Or sometimes the drums in certain songs could simply use some more punch or overall volume, depending on the genre. I don't know if it is even possible to implement something like this into Poweramp, but I think being able to bring more attention to the drums sounds in music is always a nice touch 🙌 - Mickey
  17. Hey there, I started using the equalizer today. It works just fine through / on Spotify but as soon as I listen to something on YouTube or another music player it doesn't work. Other than Spotify I can chose DVC EQ-10 LMT but still no results. I've got a Huawei Mate 9, so android. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or is this just the way it is? Every input in appreciated, Julian
  18. I'm facing one small bug in equalizer. If I accidentally change any equipped preset band then instead of creating a new preset for me to save, it makes changes in the equipped preset only. I did not face this issue in Poweramp music player.
  19. Hi, I am very happy today because I buy Poweramp's today but I am missing something in this that is "Equalizer for other apps" Yes, is there anybody know that how can I use Poweramp's equalizer for other apps? If that's impossible than we (Lover of Poweramp's) are missing this function in this Buy version. 😥😭 I requested to all team Poweramp's that please make this Possible 😭 We are Waiting for this one 😭😢...
  20. Can we have a switch to disable/enable settings per output device? Such as enabling DVC on AUX but disabling it on Speaker output, and disabling EQ on USB DAC while having it enabled for other output devices.
  21. When I hit back navigation button on Now Playing, Poweramp app fully minimize and take me to my phone's homescreen. Is it possible to go back to song list when I click back navigation button? Is there any settings for this I missed? I switched to Poweramp Full Version few days back for surprisingly phenomenon audio output after using JetAudio Player for years. I still have habit to pressing back navigation button to go to songs list. Hope there is a settings to do that in Poweramp.
  22. Poweramp build number (available in Poweramp Settings / About) build-905-arm64-play [905004-5bebec0] your device model samsung galaxy a10e (SM-A102W) your Android version 10 your custom ROM name/version (if you're on custom ROM) N/A steps to reproduce fiddling with the equalizer doesn't change how the audio sounds. for example, i set the preamp to the max (12), but there was no change in volume. conversely, i also tried lowering all bands to -16, but still no audio change. sucks cuz its such a good player 😕
  23. Develop the Poweramp Equalizer for Android TV.
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