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Hello, thank your for replying. 

I mean when you already have unsynchronised lyrics embedded in the song.mp3 file as well as the .lrc file and you want to synchronize them, e.g musicolet.

I hope this makes sense.




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If you want to display lyrics timed to match with the music, the LRC text needs to contain timecode data (e.g. "[01:05.45]" ) to tell the player when each line of the song should be displayed. Without that, it is only possible to show the lyrics as a complete list of lines.

You would need to find such timing data from an external source and either embed it into your audio files or create sidecar .LRC files, Poweramp cannot generate it magically.


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Given how long I've used Poweramp, I feel like using another app just for a function that could be implemented in the next update is “meaningless.”

Besides, it's also impractical to have multiple music apps to access different functions.

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Are you familiar with a music player app called Musicolet?

It does exactly what I'm clearly failing to explain.

When you already have your unsynced lyrics, you can just press the bottom 'play' button and sequentially click on the lyric line as the song plays.


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