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equalizer must attach?

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like the title says, why must Poweramp (just the equalizer) attach itself to media players and or apps? why attach specifically? why couldn't it just act like a global equalizer and process it without all the extra steps. oh and developer, fix your app already please me and many others are begging you 

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Because you are equalising the audio output of a particular media playing app, not of the whole system (phone calls, notification tones, etc). Not all apps allow equalisation either, hence the extra steps to override that complication.


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25 minutes ago, military vehicles said:

@andrewilley So then why do other apps like flat eq by beat blend labs and many others not have this problem?

I just took a stroll through critical reviews of that app on google play store, and let me get this straight, your benchmark for a good eq app is one that wants you to pay weekly subscription charges?


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@military vehicles By default, the PA-EQ app will only offer to process apps that have explicitly given permission for their output to be modified by external processes. It's a trivial bit of code to add to a player (just a couple of lines in fact) but one that many audio applications don't bother to implement. Spotify is one that does. Poweramp Music Player also does (if you enable the 'MusicFX' option).


The audio output path from other apps can be forcibly overridden, but the Android-level permission needed in order to allow that cannot be granted from within the same device. As you are aware, you need to apply that special permission via a one-off ADB command, which is documented in more detail in:


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