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Название музыки


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У меня проблема в том, что название музыки наименовывается названием файла, хотя у меня в тегах музыки есть оригинальное название. Как это пофиксить не меняя название файлов?


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On 2/27/2024 at 12:33 PM, andrewilley said:

Make sure you have not enabled Settings=>Library=>Lists=>Filename as Title.


thanks, but this problem has appeared again, although the function is disabled :(

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As there are cover art images and Artist, duration, etc details in your screenshot, it would seem the song tags have been scanned into the Library correctly (a non-scanned file would show filename only, with no other details). Try a Settings=>Library=>Full Rescan anyway.

Might be an issue with the files themselves? What does Info/Tags show, from the menu for one of those songs?


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