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Poweramp randomly skips to the next song: MP3

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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Hi folks,

Necromancing this thread which was autoclosed;

I have the same issue, some tracks skip to the next despite not being finished.

I've found this to be repeatable for a specific track (attached) at 43 seconds at the end of "warm summer breeze that pass us by".

Also if I manually drag the progress bar around to skip to that bit, it's often at ~1:17 not 43 seconds.

I presume this could be related to the vbr issue discussed on the original thread?

I tried to get vrbfix but it looks like Will's site is dead despite the most recent release being this May (2023).

Possibly I could get an old version somewhere to work - looks like it was in the Ubuntu Bionic repos.

Any advice gratefully received. I bought this track from Beatport; I'm only aware of it definitely happening to one other track, but I suspect it's happened to others.

Max said in 2019 "Making decoder a bit more resilient to incorrect files like this is a good thing, but it may break number of other tracks, so I do that with extra care. Added to TODO list. "

Do we know if anything was done on that front?

Thanks all!

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Plays fine for me. Was the file that you uploaded the actual version from your phone's storage, or was it a separate master copy from a PC etc? Try copying it to your device again, into a different folder for now, and see if you have the same problem with that version. Is your music saved on SD Card, or in your device's main storage, as it could be storage corruption or access issues.


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Thanks for the quick reply gents. The file I uploaded was indeed from my PC and on my phone it's copied to the SD card via FolderSync.

Copied it via dropbox to the phone's storage and it does indeed work fine.

Sounds like you might be onto something with storage corruption Andre; before I go researching, do you happen to have any suggestions for best easy ways to test this?

My phone's android FWIW, but I also have a USB to MicroSD adapter so I can run tests in Linux or Windows.


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