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How to remove ghost of "Album Art"?


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If the song has no embedded artwork in the audio file, and nothing can be found to auto-download based on the title/artist/album details (if you have that feature turned on) then you will see a default placeholder. The image can vary based on the skin you are using, the default skins use Poweramp's "lightning bolt" logo. Some skins allow you to hide album artwork completely, which would leave a blank space instead.

The best solution would be to provide a correct image though, by long-pressing on the cover art area and selecting Album Art. You can then choose from whatever is found online, or provide your own image from your phone's Gallery. 


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Thank you for your help, Andre.

Is it because I am using the "Luminous" skin that I am getting the large grey disc as the default placeholder?

Taking your suggestion about selecting some album art from amongst my own pictures, I have just selected a jpg called "Amoled black" and it has blotted out the "ghost" and, of course, merges perfectly with the surrounding amoled black screen!  Great!  Thank you for the nudge.

Now, is there a way by which I can apply that one "Amoled black" jpg to every track or every sub-folder on my SD Card at one go?   If not, I could laboriously apply it to every track/folder, but will that mean that somewhere inside Poweramp's folders I will be creating a collection of 1000s of copies of that one jpg - which will take up a lot of space?

I've just found in Settings > Album Art > Advanced Tweaks, "Force Default Image".  Can I set a Default Image?




Edited by Skylark001
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Thanks, Andre.  I have given your suggestion a try, and found that, yes, if I copy my small "amoled black" jpg (5.74kb) into an album-folder and then select it as the album art for just one track, then it will appear as the album-art for all of the tracks in that folder.  So I just need to reduce the size of the "amoled black" jpg to something almost non-existent, so that 100s of this jpg won't hog space.  Thanks providing a solution for this problem. 

I will look into the Luminous skin's settings and see if they allow me to define the default image.



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@andrewilley, I have just wondered whether there is a transparency or opacity setting in Poweramp which enables one to reduce the transparency of the default album-art image.  If so, then presumably one could set the transparency to zero, so that the image would be "there", but it wouldn't show.   Do you know?

Thank you.


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@Skylark001 100 * 5.7kb is just .5MB, that's less than a minute of mp3 music so I don't think that you need to worry about the size of the file if it's that small. Just go ahead and copy the Folder.jpg file to all directories were you have music.

I think the "Settings > Album Art > Advanced Tweaks, "Force Default Image" will reset the album art for you in one go after you copy the Folder.jpg to the directories.


I have never even looked at the size of my album art as the most important to me has been that it's a square crop 500x500 or bigger. My average Folder.jpg is 174k, with close to 1000 albums it makes 170MB. Buuut as I also have the image embedded in all files, then I guess the Folder art consumes around 2GB in total. Largest one is 14MB and that's embedded in 16 mp3 files + Folder.jpg, that's 240MB folder art for 16 tracks... Maybe it would be worth to spend some time on this...

Edit 2:

Just changed the 14MB cover file to a 1200x1200 232kB file, dropped the album size from 378MB to 146MB. And also updated my import check file to avoid things like this happening going forward.

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Thanks to the help of Rezz, who I think is the creator of the "Luminous" skin, which I use, I have managed to expunge the default album-art image in Poweramp by enabling a setting in "Luminous", as follows:

Skin Settings > Visibility > Hide Album Art
Thanks for everyone's help!
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