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  1. I had the same problem: squeaking throughout the playback of tracks. Most annoying. After having spent several hours tweaking Poweramp, the squeaking remained. Why was it that on one of my phones Poweramp produced squeaks during playback, while on my other phone Poweramp did not produce any squeaks during playback? In the end it was Poweramp's visualization of tracks as they play which solved the problem. I set the Poweramp on each phone to play the same track on each phone's SD card. On one phone the top of the visualization line rose and fell as the music played. But on the other phone I saw that every so often there was a tall upright bar on the visualization line, and that the rest of the time the visualization line stayed at a constant low level (no rising and falling as the music played). Bingo! Some of the tracks on one of the two micro SD cards had become corrupted, and so Poweramp had just been translating the corruptions into squeaks. Going to Android > Device Care > Storage > SD Card, I have now formatted the card and will reload all my music onto it. My squeaking problem has been solved.
  2. @Fitzian, thank you so much! Have done as you said and I'm delighted it worked. I ean't wait to try this feature out tonight at bedtime. If it works well I will have to hunt for some really good sleep buds for a "side sleeper".
  3. @andrewilley, I'm delighted to discover there is a sleep timer in Poweramp, but when I click on the little clock icon I get a message saying, "Sleep timer disabled". I have done a search of the settings but have not been able to find a way of enabling the sleep timer. Can you help, please?
  4. @andrewilley, last night I moved from my huge shuffled list (all the albums in a particular main folder), to one album of quiet, soothing music in that same folder, pressed the first track and PA then played through all of the tracks in that album, in sequential order. As I was reading for a period longer than the duration of that whole album, PA then moved to the next folder and began playing its first track. This surprised me. I expected, from what you had said, that PA would have returned to the main shuffled list and to the last position in that list. But it could have done this, but perhaps there is something in the Settings which needs to be tweaked. Could you advise, please?
  5. @andrewilley, thank you! That is all really such helpful information that I am copying and pasting it all into the Notes app on my phone for future reference! David.
  6. Thanks to the help of Rezz, who I think is the creator of the "Luminous" skin, which I use, I have managed to expunge the default album-art image in Poweramp by enabling a setting in "Luminous", as follows: Skin Settings > Visibility > Hide Album Art Thanks for everyone's help!
  7. @andrewilley, I have been trying to maintain yesterday's shuffle list for a folder of albums, but late last night, reading in bed, I went to "Library" and looked for an album of quiet music to read by and selected the first track in that album, and then that whole album began to play in sequential order, which was great. But this morning I found I was not able to return to yesterday's shuffle list for the whole folder of albums. So I pressed the Shuffle button and a new list appeared and off we went. But this shouldn't be a problem if PA always chooses a completely new shuffle list. One might be presented quite quickly with a track heard the day before, but one can always move to the next track. When one presses the Shuffle button, does PA always generate a completely new shuffle list? I love Poweramp, for many reasons including all the options it offers. It's a complex app which takes quite a lot of experience to get in command of. Thanks for your help.
  8. Thanks you, @andrewilley. I will look into YAPS.
  9. @andrewilley, thank you so much. I have located that counter you have mentioned. In the Luminous skin it appears only when I go into what I think could be called "the single-track screen", as in my screenshot below. So I will keep my eye on that counter now, and try to avoid anything that returns it to "1/1884"! I gather from what you have written above that I should only ever stop and start Poweramp by way of "the single-track screen" (as in the photo below). Usually I listen to my music with Sony over-ear noise-cancelling headphones on, so if the phone rings or someone appears to be trying to talk to me it's easier for me to tap my headphones to pause the music instantly, rather than fish out my phone, open it, and press pause inside Poweramp. But will pausing by way of tapping my headphones have the same effect as only pressing the pause and play buttons on "the single-track screen" in the photo below - or will tapping the headphones cause a new shuffle session to be created? Thanks. David.
  10. @andrewilley, do you know of a particular skin for Poweramp which enables disappearance of all album-art images, including the default image?
  11. I think I understand, but can I check, please, @andrewilley? To reduce the chances of hearing the same track again before the whole shuffle list has been played, I ought not to start Poweramp each day by pressing the Shuffle button which is at the top-left of the list of all the albums in a folder, but instead I should press the triangular Play button immediately to the right of the Shuffle button, so as to resume progress through the most recently set shuffle list. Is this correct? I always close the Poweramp at the end of each playing session, and each night I power-off my phone (to save battery-power overnight and ensure no interruptions while sleeping). So if then each new day I open Poweramp, go to a folder, then only press Play, and not the Shuffle button, to start playback, will Poweramp resume progression through the shuffle-list that I was listening to the day before? Or will the act of closing Poweramp (or powering-off at night), always cause Poweramp to begin playing again from the beginning of its shuffle-list? Thank you. David.
  12. Thank you, @andrewilley, for your answer and for the link. So album art needs to be at least 101x101 pixels and greater than 4kb. I was way beneath. I think I'll stick with the default image - unless it can be "disappeared" by way of a transparency setting. David.
  13. I have just been looking through the 200 or so albums in one of my main music folders, and it seems to me that Poweramp has not played any tracks from some of the albums for many months, because I haven't heard them. Is this possible? I have assumed that when I open Poweramp at a particular main folder and "command" Poweramp to play (in random shuffle order from every album in a particular folder) that it will do so, on and on, until it has played every track in every album, after which time it will presumably go back to the beginning. But maybe that is not the case. Every so often do I need to do something in Poweramp to make the app create a new (and a different) shuffle-list? I haven't been doing any such thing, so now I am wondering if that explains why when I open Poweramp and press play it instantly begins playing (in shuffle mode), because it is "reading" from a previously composed "shuffle list"? Thanks. David.
  14. @andrewilley, it seems there's a lower limit to the pixel size or perhaps the byte size of a jpg which can be used for album art. I am finding that Poweramp won't load a jpg which is 534bytes in size. Do you know what the lower limit is, please? David.
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