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28 minutes ago, Jaguar said:

It is necessary to set the sleep timer by minutes

Why is it necessary? Are you looking for shorter/longer times, or some specific time?

There are several existing requests about features people would like for the Timer, are these the sort of things you want:

On 4/28/2022 at 11:05 AM, andrewilley said:
  • Add extra increments to Sleep Timer and a gradual fade-at-end feature, and include a user-activity based reset (e.g. Sleep 15 minutes after no more user interactions). [ LINK1  LINK2]


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2 часа назад, Андрей сказал:

Почему это необходимо? Вы ищете более короткое/длинное время или какое-то конкретное время?

2 часа назад, Андрей сказал:

Почему это необходимо? Вы ищете более короткое/длинное время или какое-то конкретное время?

Есть несколько запросов на функции, которые люди хотели видеть в таймере. Это те вещи, которые вам нужны:



Есть несколько запросов на функции, которые люди хотели видеть в таймере. Это те вещи, которые вам нужны:


The answer is very simple. A more flexible timer setting by minutes is needed. I do not know what the developers were guided by when making the TIMER interval. For what? It's so inconvenient.

Why initially limit the timer to some intervals?  After all, it is convenient to give the user the opportunity to decide for what time to set the timer.  There are many scenarios for using a more flexible timer.  But there were requests for revision on the TIMER in 2020 and 2021.  Why didn't the developers implement them?  After all, it's simpler than that.  Add time setting hours:minutes as in an alarm clock.  What is the problem and complexity for developers?

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33 minutes ago, Jaguar said:

A more flexible timer setting by minutes is needed.

I ask again: why? What do you really need that the current system does not provide and which requires the urgent attention of the developer?

OK, so you can't set a timer for 78' 31" - but why would you need to?  The current increments seem fine for most scenarios, just wondering what specific requirement you have that makes this an urgent issue?


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1 hour ago, MotleyG said:

Возможно, основное внимание уделялось более важным функциям прослушивания музыки, а не ее отключению. Для Poweramp есть только один разработчик.

It is logical that the elimination of bugs in the main functionality is a paramount task. But if users make requests that improve the usability of the player and make it more flexible, isn't it worth it to implement in a year or two? Whether it's one developer or more, there's a team that includes the admins of this forum who help make Poweramp better. Well, the users themselves, freelance testers and bug trackers.

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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

Я еще раз спрашиваю: почему? Что вам действительно нужно из того, чего не обеспечивает действующая система и что требует срочного внимания разработчика?

Хорошо, вы не можете установить таймер на 78 футов 31 дюйм — но зачем вам это нужно? Текущие приращения кажутся подходящими для большинства сценариев, просто интересно, какие у вас конкретные требования, которые делают эту проблему срочной?


Well, I will try to explain to you one of the scenarios for using a more flexible sleep timer setting.  

For example, there is an audio book.  Listening to several chapters or one total duration of 1 hour 32 minutes is planned.  The user sets a timer for this time, listens, then the timer turns off the player.  Next time, there is no need to look for where the audition ended.  

You can continue from the beginning of the next chapter.  Currently, the player cannot do this.  

How urgent is this issue?  Well, if users addressed this issue several years ago, and nothing has been done so far, then what is the urgency?  Tens, hundreds of years?

 If the developer has time pressure, then you can do nothing at all to improve functionality, but only perform support and critical bugs.  Or write that this implementation will not be made.  And that's it.  Why, then, keep a record of requests for improvements?  

Are you trying to convey that the revision is not needed?  But someone does not even need an equalizer, but this does not mean that the player will become better without an equalizer. 😁

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30 minutes ago, Jaguar said:

Are you trying to convey that the revision is not needed?

No, it's not needed (as in the app doesn't work without it) but it might be a nice update at some point for the usage you describe. I'm not sure of any app that allows a Sleep timer to be adjusted in minutes and seconds though (and the "play last track to end" option already covers not stopping part-way though a chapter). But yes, I agree it's not a bad idea.

Please take a look at the Frequently Requested Features list (which itself is only a small subset of all the requests in these forums, some dating back 10+ years that haven't yet made their way to the top of the to-do list) and work out what priority adding extra granularity to the sleep timer should fall within those requests?


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31 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Нет, в этом нет необходимости (поскольку приложение без него не работает), но в какой-то момент это может быть хорошим обновлением для описанного вами использования. Однако я не уверен ни в одном приложении, которое изменяло бы настройку таймера сна в малых и секундах (опция «воспроизведение последнего трека до конца» уже дает возможность не останавливаться на полпути главы). Но да, я согласен, это неплохая идея.

Пожалуйста, взгляните на список часто запрашиваемых функций (которые сами по себе представляют лишь небольшую часть всех запросов на этих форумах, некоторые из которых датированы более 10 лет назад и до сих пор не соответствуют вершинам списка дел). и выяснить, какой приоритет добавление дополнительной детализации таймера сна должно учитываться к этим запросам?


Indeed, there are a lot of requests and most likely it will not be possible to implement them all, since new ones are constantly appearing.

Of course, you can prioritize the types of requests and their resource implementations.

But is it necessary? The developer, as the author of the application, most likely determines the degree of priority himself. The main thing is that he gets acquainted with the requests and understands which improvements are most relevant or which can make Poweramp better, more functional, and therefore more competitive and unique.

Sleep timer, a simple and not labor-intensive refinement that will add to the functionality of pluses, the main thing is that users have it and can use it.

We know that users do not use much of what is in the player, because they do not know about it or do not know how to use it.

Edited by Jaguar
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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

Однако я не уверен ни в одном приложении, которое позволяло бы настраивать таймер сна в минутах и секундах (а опция «воспроизвести последний трек до конца» уже предусматривает возможность не останавливаться на полпути через главу).


I will add.

 I do not know exactly when the sleep TIMER appeared, but rather it was created simply as a possible option without universality, but as a template.  

So it’s not even a refinement, but rather a correction of the original, not well-thought-out functionality.  Regarding your suggestion, use the last track until the end.  There are audiobooks in one file for several hours.  

So your option won't work for sure.

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4 hours ago, Jaguar said:

correction of the original, not well-thought-out functionality.

Most sleep timers I've come across support just a few steps, and certainly nothing down to a specific number of minutes.

But yes I agree it's a fairly small amount of coding, but then so are a lot of other feature requests with a lot more user support behind them. I suggested to Max a while back that it might be a good idea to mop up 10-15 really simple "low hanging fruit" requests rather than doing a major project for the next beta phase, but not sure where his plans lie in that respect.


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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

Most sleep timers I've come across support just a few steps, and certainly nothing down to a specific number of minutes.

But yes I agree it's a fairly small amount of coding, but then so are a lot of other feature requests with a lot more user support behind them. I suggested to Max a while back that it might be a good idea to mop up 10-15 really simple "low hanging fruit" requests rather than doing a major project for the next beta phase, but not sure where his plans lie in that respect.


It's hard to come up with something truly revolutionary. Somewhere and once there was something like that.

For example, the famous LCG Jukebox player for Symbian from the famous developer Lonely Cat Games. Just in it there was a sleep timer with a per-minute setting and automatic shutdown after the end of the track. Neutron player for Android also has a convenient sleep timer setting with hours and minutes.

Why not use the best experience of other developments to combine different features in a modern player if they have not lost their relevance.

I think that the developer is interested in making the player even better, otherwise why start it all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to add to this, I'd be really happy if the timer could extend out to 180 minutes. I have mad insomnia and a longer timer would be great. I currently have to use another timer that works sometimes, doesn't work others and I wake up 5 hours later with the music still playing :)

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There are a number of modifications for the Sleep Timer already mentioned in the Frequently Requested Features list, including supporting longer and shorter times. I don't know how far up the to-do priority order they are though:

On 4/28/2022 at 11:05 AM, andrewilley said:
  • Add extra increments to Sleep Timer and a more gentle fade-at-end feature, and include an activity-based reset (e.g. go to sleep 15 minutes after there have been no further user interactions). [ LINK1  LINK2  LINK3 ]


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