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1. Option to change Swipe Left/Right in Now Playing.
2. Option to open Queue in Now Playing Screen.
3. Until manually edited, Queue should automatically change based on folder, album, artists which is being played.
4. Option to Edit/Change/Customize below Nav Bar buttons. (Folders, Queue instead of Equalizer, Search etc.,)
5. Voice Search button in Search bar.
6. Favorites option to ❤️ (Like, Heart) Favorite Songs.
7. Stats View in Home Screen - Album Art view of Popular Songs, Popular Artists, Popular Albums, etc.,
8. Volume Button in Now Playing screen to adjust volume from display instead of relying on physical buttons.
9. Clicking on Artist name should directly take to relevant artist, and clicking Album name should directly take to relevant Album.
10. Option to customize Swipe Up/Down.
11. Artist Info from Web in Artist View. 
12. Artists other Albums in Artist View
13. Total Time and Remaining Time of all tracks in Queue.
14. Option to Search Videos in YouTube based on Title. (Clicking the option would directly open search results of music videos in YouTube)
15. Explorer Options to Copy/Move Music Files within folders from Poweramp app itself.

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Quite a lot of that is already in the Frequently Requested Feature List. 1, 4, 6, 7 and 10 certainly are, and some of the others in essence.

2. While you are playing a song from the Queue, tap on the album artwork area and you will be taken to the Queued songs list. There has been some recent discussion (and it's also in the Frequent Requests List) of a more powerful 'Now Playing' list that would provide further details about songs that will come after (or were played before) the currently playing Category.

3. The Queue doesn't contain any Folder, Album, etc logic within its layout, it's simply a flat list of songs in the order they were added (or the user has placed them) with no particular hierarchy - like a temporary Playlist.

8. Can already be done via Skins.

9. Sounds like a good idea to me. Currently you can do it by long-pressing on the artwork area and choosing the relevant category that you wish to view.

12. You already do see an Artist's other albums within their Artist view.

13. Extra meta info in the Queue header sounds like a good idea, after all it's available in most other 'real' Categories. Even in Playlists, and as I said earlier the Queue is nothing more than a temporary Playlist. 

14 and 15 are rather beyond the scope of a music player like Poweramp. It's is not meant to be a File Explorer, web browser, YouTube launcher, or batch Tag Editor (which is also often requested) so it is unlikely. Let apps do what they are good at, rather than trying to be a Jack of All Trades.


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