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Visualization Folder

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So to clarify, you have installed both PA and the PA-EQ on the SD Card used on your Android 9 device, and they are both using the original '_com' data folder structures on the SD Card. PA can read milkdrop preset files from the SD Card folder Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/milk_presets/ but the Equalizer app won't read similar files placed in Android/data/_com.maxmpz.equalizer/milk_presets/ .

Although installing the apps properly on internal memory would probably fix the problem, I agree that it's odd that milkdrop files for one app work fine from SD Card, while the other does not seem to. @maxmp could you comment please?


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Ah, you previously only discussed and showed screenshots using SD Card folders.

So even on internal device memory, PA-EQ is still not reading any files that you place in the Android/data/_com.maxmpz.equalizer/milk_presets/ folder, whereas the same .milk files can be used by the main PA music player app if placed in Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/milk_presets/ (also on internal device memory).

@maxmp , any ideas?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
35 minutes ago, Rage Gaming said:

how about the peq

Same as far as I know. @maxmp could confirm that though. I assume the PA-EQ app uses the same logic as the main PA app as far as Android/data folder locations go. Certainly it would use internal memory rather than SD Card, the only question is whether Android 9 still uses the old underscore style folder naming or not.


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  • 4 months later...

I can confirm that milk presets are not loading on android 9 from internal storage.

They work fine on Android 10.

On my phone with Android 9 the Android data folder no longer uses _com.maxmpz.audioplayer as folder but com.maxmpz.audioplayer.

However even renaming or creating a folder with the _ does not seem to load any presets. Tested with .zip and .milk files.

On Android 10 the presets do load from /Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/milk_presets.



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