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Remove Shuffle options from main player interface

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I'll often switch from shuffle to 'play in order', and back again. However the only shuffle I use is 'Shuffle Songs' - because that'll keep it to the folder, or queue, or playlist I've selected. 

Would it be possible to have a settings option to hide the shuffle options I'll never use - so if only 'Shuffle off' & one other are selected - when playing hitting the button will toggle between, and if more selected, the list that pops up will be quicker to navigate as it'll show fewer options.  


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I asked a while back if we could have an option to make those buttons on/off toggles, with a long-press action still available to select different modes. If implemented, that would mean tapping the Shuffle icon would set it to the last-used mode (in your case, Shuffle Songs), and tapping it again would turn it off. Would that achieve what you want?


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On 5/21/2021 at 12:56 AM, andrewilley said:

I asked a while back if we could have an option to make those buttons on/off toggles, with a long-press action still available to select different modes. If implemented, that would mean tapping the Shuffle icon would set it to the last-used mode (in your case, Shuffle Songs), and tapping it again would turn it off. Would that achieve what you want?


I think that might work for me. It would certainly be better than what there is now!

I  just use "shuffle songs" and "shuffle off". I wish there was a way to make those the only shown options (like on iTunes).



Edited by AVCPL
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17 hours ago, AVCPL said:

I  just use "shuffle songs" and "shuffle off". 

I mainly use Shuffle All Songs or Shuffle Off, so like you a simple toggle mode would be useful. Long-press would still need to be available to show everything though, for the less common situations where I want to access other modes. 


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