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Degoogled phone: can't validate the app without Google Play


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Hi guys, I bought Poweramp a few years ago on Google Play Store on my phone and I loved it.

Yesterday I decided to degoogle my phone and install a new OS, specifically e/OS, which uses microG in order to connect my phone with Google services.

I installed Poweramp from Aurora Store, which is a FOSS store (basically a mirror of Play Store) and everything went ok, I was also able to install Poweramp unlocker, but unfortunately Poweramp can't validate itself due to the lack of Play Store.

I noticed that it is possible to buy Poweramp from the official website, so is it possible to migrate my Google Play license to a DRM-free version?

Thanks in advance.

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Purchase on Google Play requires Google services + Play app (and the appropriate registered Google account) for unlocking. All that is required for a day or two, the license is stored one the device permanently and services are not required anymore, until the next Poweramp reinstall.

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Hi @maxmp, thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I cannot install GApps at all because I already have microG installed and doing so would basically break the entire system.

Is it possible to migrate my subscription from Google Play Store to Poweramp website in such a way that I can use the DRM-free version?

Thanks again.

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Unfortunately it's not possible to validate a Play Store purchase without the Play Store (and google services) being present, and there is no way to 'migrate' such purchases away from Google's ecosystem to another payment system. I'm afraid if you want to use your Google purchase, you need to do it via Google.

You can buy a new single-device licence from the website here though (independently to Google).


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