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Audio cutting out


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Recently the playback audio in Poweramp started cutting out. Poweramp shows the track is still playing but there is no audio. It happens on the phone speaker and on Bluetooth. I am on an lgv40 thinq on Android 9. Is there any way to fix this?

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Try increasing the buffer size in Settings > Audio > Outputs > (your device type).

Are you using hi-res mode? If so, try reducing the frequency setting, or switch back to OpenSL ES.

Does this happen with the screen on, or only when the display is asleep?


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On 3/6/2021 at 7:13 PM, andrewilley said:

Try increasing the buffer size in Settings > Audio > Outputs > (your device type).

Are you using hi-res mode? If so, try reducing the frequency setting, or switch back to OpenSL ES.

Does this happen with the screen on, or only when the display is asleep?


I tried increasing the buffer size both to large and huge. I was not using hi res mode. The only thing that has fixed it has been uninstalling and reinstalling but it seems to come back. I'm not sure if it's something that I'm doing after installing the app. After I install, I turn off the absolute volume in my phone's dev settings, then turn off the eq and tone in Poweramp. I turn on the persistent notifications settings and add Poweramp to my power saving exclusions list. The cutting out happens both with the screen on and off


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27 minutes ago, maxmp said:

@csmyka97 this is your device battery optimizer lowering the processing power for Poweramp. Disable such optimizations for Poweramp (and Unlocker if you have it - or uninstall Unlocker). Thanks!

Isn't that what adding Poweramp to the battery saving exclusions list is?

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I looked at my settings and realized that adaptive battery was on. Could this have been causing the audio to cut out like it was? The only other thing I was doing differently than usual was using the wakelock option because I thought that would prevent issues with battery optimization


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@csmyka97 Absolute Volume in the dev settings only relates to Bluetooth, not to the speaker or regular cabled headsets.

Wakelock would probably only make a difference if your audio is cutting out only when the screen is off, but you say this is happening during normal screen-on use too. Max suggests no longer using wakelock on recent Android releases (especially Samsung Android 11) as it's not always handled correctly any more, but it shouldn't cause any problems on Android 9.

Adaptive battery and any other power saving options should always be turned off for Poweramp, but again I would have expected changing this to help while the screen is off rather than issues happening as soon as you press play and while the screen is still on.

Are you storing your music on an SD Card or internal memory? If SD Card, try putting a few tracks on internal storage as see if the issue is still present there. 


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2 hours ago, andrewilley said:

@csmyka97 Absolute Volume in the dev settings only relates to Bluetooth, not to the speaker or regular cabled headsets.

Wakelock would probably only make a difference if your audio is cutting out only when the screen is off, but you say this is happening during normal screen-on use too. Max suggests no longer using wakelock on recent Android releases (especially Samsung Android 11) as it's not always handled correctly any more, but it shouldn't cause any problems on Android 9.

Adaptive battery and any other power saving options should always be turned off for Poweramp, but again I would have expected changing this to help while the screen is off rather than issues happening as soon as you press play and while the screen is still on.

Are you storing your music on an SD Card or internal memory? If SD Card, try putting a few tracks on internal storage as see if the issue is still present there. 


Yes, the music is on an sd card. Would reformatting the sd card help?

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24 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

It certainly wouldn't hurt - copy everything off, clean reformat, then copy back. But try internal memory too. Would rule out some possibilities anyway.


Okay. I'll give it a shot. Not being able to use the sd card would be kind a deal breaker for me though. 


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On 3/10/2021 at 8:00 AM, csmyka97 said:

Okay. I'll give it a shot. Not being able to use the sd card would be kind a deal breaker for me though. 


Okay so I've been using Poweramp for a couple days now with the adaptive battery and wakelock settings off and the cutting out has gotten better but the music will cut out randomly and only for about 5 seconds. I can't tell if this is normal given that the output is through bluetooth or if there is still something wrong


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On 3/10/2021 at 7:34 AM, andrewilley said:

It certainly wouldn't hurt - copy everything off, clean reformat, then copy back. But try internal memory too. Would rule out some possibilities anyway.


Is there a particular format I should use that would work better with Poweramp when formatting the sdcard?

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