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Bugs with covers


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I've noticed a couple of problems with artist and album covers in Poweramp.

  1. If you select a widescreen image (not square), while setting the option in the settings that is responsible for maintaining the proportions in the "square" mode, then when you try to drag the screen content down on the artist tab (artist or album artist - select any artist with a widescreen cover) the image shifts to the right and appears to be slightly down. I can attach a gif if necessary.
  2. I already noticed this on the album tab, but, perhaps, the error is inherent in other tabs as well. If you change the scaling of the list with gestures (from pictures to a list without them), then with the same attempt to pull the contents of the screen down, the cover also somehow twitches, although this is no longer so obvious.
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I can't see any issues like landscape images being forced to display as square (apart from the fact they look wrong and squashed). Are you using one of the default skins? You may need to explain what you are doing in more detail and in which screens, and add a screenshot of the problem you are seeing. 


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