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Walkman lock screen app


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Personally I think Poweramp is an awesome player, with one huge flaw; the lock screen app is not good.

I was considering for a long time to suggest for you to try and achieve the simplicity of Samsung's functional ditto, including a slide-to-unlock feature. However, this week I accidentally stumbled over an old nifty Live Wallpaper that mimic a Walkman cassette player. After a couple of seconds brainstorming I realized that this would be a perfect Lock Screen App!

Maybe based on a design like this:


With a visible, animated tape inside showing the current song written on it with some hand-written font of course. Roughly something like this:


The best would perhaps to render some transparent plastic above the tape and of course tape wheels rotating the tape.

Most phones are usually black around the display today, so a deep black theme for the frame would probably work best to make the lock screen appear like a seamless part of the physical phone.

Player controls and unlock slider design could be inspired by buttons like these:


The actual tape animation could either be done by 3D graphics or simply by looping a short HQ shot of an actual tape playing. A 3D render would give the ability to actually use the tape to show how long the player has gone though the current playlist, by moving the tape from left to right.

Please at least consider this idea, as I like the Walkman theme, but think it would be a lot more suitable as a lock screen app instead of those wallpaper or basic apps available today.

Remember that Android 4.0 will have better notification bar access at the lock screen, so any other info on the lock screen might just clutter the layout. A small and visible popup on the lock screen showing the number of missed calls and messages would be useful though.

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Yes Yes and Yes :) Great idea Duckofdeath, that I previously brought up before on the Poweramp forums -skins topic

I always dreamed of a skin/them like this for a music player. I also thought that the tape wheel could be animated (moving) like a live wallpaper while the music plays. Very retro indeed.

Yes too even nicer as widget too either ways I support +1



Ah :) and with the second picture I post quoted (the 'slide to unlock' one) how about an Android OpenType font (handwriting font) text on the white sticker for the artists/track/album info - along with some Open GL fade in/fade out of the handwritten font.


Ideas are gracious eh!

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