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Cue Files


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Poweramp always seems to have issues with cue files for me. On Musicbee on my computer albums are loaded fine and properly, so I don't see why there needs to be an issue with the cue files. When I delete them they are loaded properly in Poweramp, but I'd rather not have to delete them as I know they are useful. On second thought I don't know if this is a feature request, as there may be a workaround from the client end. If you know please let me know, I would really appreciate it!

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CUE files are only useful in Poweramp when you have a single large audio file encompassing a whole album, for which you want to define multiple separate songs contained within the large file.

Otherwise, CUE files that point to a separate file for each track are redundant as the individual files will already be scanned and added to PA's library based on their tags anyway. If you have software that is generating redundant CUE files, either disable that feature or delete the unnecessary CUE files manually.

You could also try disabling Settings > Library > Scanner > Parse CUE Files, but that may have other consequences for necessary CUE files.


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So I understand that they are useful for long one track albums with multiple movements, but I've heard people say albums should have them for documentation reasons, even if the tracks are split up. On Musicbee I'm able to have both, all of my one track classical albums are shown with separate tracks, and albums that don't necessarily need them still display properly. I'm just hesitant to delete the files as I don't want to regret it later, and I know that it will take an excessively long time to go through all of my folders to delete them. I love Poweramp and I don't want to bemoan it, I just don't get why I can't just add folders to the library and not have to worry about the cue files.

Also to clarify, when an album that doesn't necessarily need a cue file has one it will only show a couple of songs from the album, with the rest nowhere to be found, until I delete the cue file that is. 

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CUE files can contain all sorts of extra metadata, but mostly it's just basic stuff like Album Title, Album Artist, Track Title, Track Artist/Performer, etc. All things which should also be saved in the embedded tags within each file (unless the CUE file is generating pseudo-tracks from a long audio file). Embedded tags are a much more sensible solution as they become part of the individual files themselves, rather than needing an external logfile which may not be copied with the audio files.

CUE files are just plain text, so you can open them in a text editor and see if there's anything in there that you need, -especially anything that is not contained within the audio file tags anyway. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_sheet_(computing) . If you have any concerns, you can include one or two in this thread if you like.


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Please share the affected CUEs -gpmaxmpz@gmail.com (the track(s) may be shared or not, depending on size) - Poweramp cue scanner is polished based on user reported CUE issues.

CUE parsing is pretty much standard in Poweramp, what will affect your tracks from CUEs is their calculated duration - Poweramp automatically hides tracks less then 6s (or as configured in your Poweramp), and CUEs often are wrong about track durations. Another CUE issue is when you have multiple tracks and your have pointless CUE also pointing to those tracks, and Poweramp ignores CUEs with 1 track (though in the recent Poweramp builds you'll just have individual tracks, not the CUE virtual folders).


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Sorry for be in this thread Max, but I having problems with wavpack wv: 32/384 files with. Cue not scanned by Poweramp. But it can play fine the high res file if I open on folder. The. Cue file seems ok. I think is the wavpack 32/384 encoded file cant be finded on Poweramp scan. My device LG v50 android 10 full stock. Thanks in advance. 👍

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53 minutes ago, LFB said:

 I think is the wavpack 32/384 encoded file cant be finded on Poweramp scan. 

Does Poweramp find the audio file and include it in its Library without the. CUE file being present? If not, a CUE file most likely won't work either as PA is library-based.

Is the CUE file needed to separate a large audio file into smaller 'pseudo-tracks' by the way? If not, simply remove the CUE file.


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