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In "setting --> Library --> Lists" i changed for display album-artist instead of antis. In player all looks right, but in widget is still showing artist instead of album artist. How can i change it?

My tags settings:

In album-artist is album artist

in artist are singers on featurings

Than if song has someone in artist tag (featuring artists) than this artist is showing like album-artist in widget but in player it is in reverse and it is right and if song has not anyone on featuring, than in widget it is showing like "Unknown artist - Song name"

Sorry for my english :D


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Normally the Album Artist tag is used to 'tie' all of the tracks in an album together when they are each by different artists - for example a compilation CD where the Album Artist tag would be "Various Artists". So by default that Various Artists wording is not shown for each track as it is not especially useful on a track-by-track bases. I don't think widgets pick up on general List settings though (such as Filename as Title, etc).


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Widgets show Track Title, Track Artist, and Album Title, they don't show other tags like Album Artist, Composers, Genre, etc. So as long as your Track Artist tags are set correctly (e.g. an individual name or band, or a combination such as the modern trend of using "Artist 1 feat. Artist 2", it should work fine. Album Artist should ideally only be used as a grouping feature to keep disparate tracks together as a single album. 

I'll move this to Feature Requests for you though, as it might be possible to make widgets respect the same option for the player screen to show Album Artist instead.


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Excelent :) thank you a lot.

And i have one more request, and  it is showing "featuring singers" than in player and in widget too will be show Track Title, Album artist, Album title and Ft. artists.

When users use Artist tag for Album artist, then in Album artist tag can be write singers on featuring and counter if user use Album artist tag for Album artist and Artist tag for singers on featuring (like me).

For specification, when user use Artist tag for album artist, than automatically Album artist tag will be tag for featuring singers and counter like i have it.

If it is possible, than one edit is needed, and it is, when song has more than one singer on featuring these singers is separate with ";" or "/" and this symbols could be replace with comma ",".

This setting will be possible to allow or refuse (show or hide featuring singers) in Options menu --> Library.

Thank you a lot and again sorry for my English, i hope you understand what i want to tell you :D

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Widgets only display three items, not four. Currently they are fixed as Track Title, Track Artist, and Album Title.

There is no such supported tag as Ft. Artists. The Track Artist tag should be used to list ALL of artists/singers/band/etc who need to be shown as appearing on that track. Normally that would be the band name, or an individual artist, or multiple names such as "Artist1 & Artist2", or "Main Artist feat. Minor Artist 1, Minor Artist 2", etc.

The Album Artist tag is a special case that forces various tracks to be grouped together as one album regardless of the individual artist details. It may indeed be one of the same names (such as a band) which is already referred to in the track info, or it may be something completely different - such as "Various Artists", or even an overall composer/conductor if you wish. It would not normally be displayed per-track as it does not apply to the track musicians directly, but is instead used for grouping/indexing purposes.


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