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reinstall issue


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Sadly yes, if you purchased from the Google Play Store then you need Google services and the Play Store available on any devices upon which you want to use apps that you purchased from their store. Same goes with all new Huawei originated devices - you can buy from their store and your purchase will work on any devices using that store. Or you can purchase from the website here, and you can use that licence on any single device of your choosing (you can install it on newer devices too, but only on one device at any given time). 


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@michael1 Huawei version is "uni" version + includes purchase via Huawei AppGallery. Just proceed to Settings / Buy (or Settings / Already Purchased).

Obviously, if no Google Services installed, only Huawei AppGallery and Website purchase/restore purchase methods are available.


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just a observation for you, but managed to purchase the full version from Huawei app gallery. But it's not as obvious how you get to the purchase options from the trial version. in fact the full version is still marked as not available yet, and will mislead some people. Cheers.

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@michael1 If app is in trial mode, Poweramp doesn't push any full version banners or ads to user face, instead purchase options sit on top of the Settings. If trial is expired, the buy button navigates to these options, and on Huawei device without Google services you can't (or at least should not able to) even press on Google Play icon. AppStore option should be available.
Huawei updates their "HMS" services often, so may be something changed - to be reviewed when I push 882 build to AppGallery.


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