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Loading Issues in Android radio


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Hello, I purchased an android radio (ATOTO Pro 6) I installed the Poweramp app in my radio and also a cheap micro sd card with my songs. I have two issues, it takes a long time everytime I turn on the car for the Poweramp app to read and load the songs from the sd and does not recognized all of them. I have 30gb of music in my sd card. A Kingston or Sandisk sd card would resolve the loading issue in the app? Thanks!

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Actually, Poweramp scans (fully) device once, then it just looks for changes. Are you sure card was ever fully scanned. Sometimes, if there is broken block on sd card, scanning may never complete, also, no any files after the failed one will be scanned and will be missing from library. In this case sd-card check or reformat on computer may help (or a new card). Thanks!


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