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Blurred album art background bug


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LG G6, Android 8.0.0, kernel version 3.18.71

Poweramp v3-build-838-arm64-play, full version, 64-bit

When locking my screen with notification center on and home buttons undocked, after unlocking there's a visible black bar under the blurred album art background. I think there are other cases where this happens, but this one is the most easily reproduced.


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  • 2 months later...

Over two months later, the issue still hasn't been resolved. One thing I noticed, though - if you have the home buttons visible while entering the player UI, after hiding them the black bar stays.

LG G6 (H870), Android 9, kernel version 3.18.120, software version v30a-260-06

Poweramp version v3-build-842-arm64-play [842004-1a4100c]


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