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Volume less louder than stock player


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21 minutes ago, Macky02 said:

Just wondering why Poweramp is less louder than stock music player.. i tried to disable dvc still when playing music it sound less louder than stock.

Got to Settings > Audio > Output. Hit Restore Defaults, does this change anything ?

Then you could try another Output Plugin ( OpenSL, High-Res, Audiotrack ), does that make a difference ?

On some Androids the developer options allow to set "Diable Absolute Volume" in the Bluetooth section, if you use BT you might try that.

If all that doesn't help, please provide some information about your device, os, pa build.

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Also remember that Volume != Quality. Just because if goes up to 11 doesn't mean it should be set to 11. :)

Do you have Replay Gain enabled to match the levels of different tracks, as by default that sets the output level to around -10dB (I forget the actual level) to allow headroom for post-processing. There is also a 'No Headroom Gain' option in the audio output settings pages, which should only really be enabled if you don't use heavy EQ settings.


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