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Still no currently playing queue?


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It's so long since Poweramp gives us so great experience when listening to music. But how it is possible that Poweramp still doesn't support viewing queue of currently playing songs? You can only peek one next song swiping right or on bottom dialog if you choose the right one. Why viewing at least a few of next songs and managing them is a missing feature? 

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Poweramp doesn't use approach with the forced separate list, instead it directly plays target category (folder, album, playlist, etc. or even dynamic queue). Dragging cover down/touching it on main screen brings you to the current category/list (also long pressing on miniplayer does this for other screens).

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I can see the logic in people asking for some way to display both the previously-played and upcoming songs though Max.

Tapping on the cover art only shows you the current category in use. So if (for example) you are listening to the last track in an album, it's not easy to see what the next ten songs might be - or if playing the first track in an album, you can't see the previous songs. Similarly if playing in any shuffled mode it is pretty-much impossible to see anything beyond the next track info that can be shown in the meta info line.

Having a previous and upcoming list available to the user would allow them to easily know what's coming next, and skip past (or back) a few songs without hearing everything else inbetween.  


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