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V2 UI with V3 Audio engine


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I feel like Poweramp could have kept it's V2 UI but with V3 audio engine or codecs. It didn't need a new UI to begin with. It was totally fine. V2 also works fine on my Android with Marshmallow (v6.0.1) My review (5/5 My Ears Are Booming!) on Google Play will stay the same for an older version. If you feel like you must update anything leave the UI alone and just revamp the audio engine to work with Oreo. Besides Google hasn't required apps to stay current with Oreo if released on Google Play Store before 2015 or 2016.

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If you want an updated audio engine but without the modern new Material Design elements that you seem to dislike, build 709 was the last test release that had (mostly) the old look-and-feel but still with with high-res audio supported. You can still download and install that if you wish, or roll back to v2 and turn updates off (but either way you won't get any new features).



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