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LG V20, music plays out of speakers with headphones connected


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The past few weeks, I've noticed that Poweramp will play music out of my phone's speaker instead of through the headphones.  I've checked with multiple sets of headphones and it still does it, I've also checked other music players and they work as intended.

The only way I've found to fix it is to reset the whole phone, force closing the app doesn't do anything.

I'm on build 813, and my phone is an LG V20 (Verizon version) running Android 8.0.

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Happens to me too. 


Do you guys have plan to solve this issue? I've seen several topics that complain about this issue since a WHILE! . Seriously enabling DVC plus turn on hires gives me the best music experience on my v20, no other music players beat Poweramp with this setting(in my opinion, at least ). Most of my music time is during travel by public transportation, I don't want to disturb anyone with this leaking. Please!! , really need you guys to look into this. 

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Thanks for the report - the issue never happens for my LGs (v10, 30, G2-7), so the workaround Poweramp has for this issue is not activated, as it is done for e.g. xiaomis. Looks like v20 is special here - I'll add workaround for it as well.

(Workaround is to disable speaker. Phone doesn't understand it plays music and force-switches speaker or doesn't re-route to headphones).

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  • 2 weeks later...


Have the same issue on my LG V30 (H930DS) Android 8.0,  Poweramp Build 814.

When I switch to Hi-Res Output for Wired Headset/AUX sound goes to speakers.

Can turn off DVC in Wired Headset/AUX's Settings but then sound better through OpenSL ES so no go there((

Could work after restart phone/reinstall app (tried both so idk what made the difference) but it's only briefly and all, unfortunately, backs to speakers after a while.

Please, advice preferable configuration if it's the issue.

Please, help because the music was the only reason I bought LG V30 and Poweramp is the best player!)))) 

P.S:  also, advice what should I change so my volume levels stay in Hi-Res Output 75 levels and not jump 5 levels (I mean 5-10-15-20... and so on to 75)


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11 hours ago, andrewilley said:

You could try Settings > Audio > Advanced Tweaks > Force Speaker Off


Hah! Thanks! I didn't even noticed that and doesn't really go there. Was afraid to mess it up even worse, but didn't remember this option either..  This is from the new (yesterdays 2018-12-27) release?

Anyway, since yesterday I've updated the PA app all works fine and I didn't notice the previous behavior and now this option is ON )))

Thank you and PA team! Glad that this issue (at least from my prospective) was fixed practically immediately 😁 😁 - I've received the update notification (!)10 minutes after post my comment :))))))) 

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