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(Sorry for a topic in wrong place but i can’t change it😭)

I have used Poweramp for about 2 yrs now and I really love the sound of it. 

Recently I came across a music app called Neutron Music Player and it provide an option to enable “Follow source frequency” .

I find this option useful cuz I have many audio tracks which differ in dit depth and sample rate (16/44100 24/48000 24/96000 1/5644000)

Except for the dsd file, I wonder if we can have this option in Poweramp, too.For a long time the sample rate in Poweramp’s Open SL ES Hi-res output has been updated to up to 192khz+. And most of us can change the sample rate without any sound loss or software crashes. So I think the option I mentioned formerly can be developed with some days.

I’m not asking Maxmp for him to working harder, SORRY if rude. I just want to start a new topic to find if the other users want this feature too.

We all want to listen to true music lol🤤


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I heard the opinion that it's more effective to follow the sample rate of your device. Usually all phones have 48khz tone generator(?), so it's better to playback files in 48khz or divisible rates, even If the original same rate is 44,1khz, it's consider better not to use non native for the hardware 44,1khz but 48khz, than force the playback of 44,1 through  the 48khz tone generator. As far as I know bit depth doesn't affect much the quality. However in Samsung phones there's 16 to 24 conversion which allows to reduce the amount of noise and distortion. 

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