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Change behaviour of << and >> buttons

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Thanks a lot for this amazing player!

I really love it!

My special feature request is the following:

Because I listen a lot to quite long talks and lectures (< 1h long), it is very unpleasant if a accidently hit the << or >> button either on the screen or on my BT-headset and the player skips to the next MP3, because I then have difficulites manouvring back to the place I was in my lecture.

So what I really would appreciate if I could disable the <<>> buttons or even better give them another function: not skip to the previous / next song but skip i.e. 30 seconds backward / forward within the running song.

I would love you even more if you could implement this!! :D


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Doesn't that still lose the current playback positon though? I have the same problem with long tracks, in that if you accidentally move to a new track by mis-timing a press on the > button (or even just go back to the start of the current track) it's the devils own job trying to get back to (for example) 43' 25" into a track.

I have asked a number of times whether it would be possible to make the trackpad's right/left swipe functions do a simple skip-forward-30-seconds or skip-back-15-seconds. That should be very easy to add as an option, and it would make navigation so much easier for me. Max, any chance this fairly simple feature could be added please? Would be a very big plus for users who need to move through larger files. Many thanks.


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Hi Max,

thank you for your answer. But as Andre statet, this does not solve the Problem!

If it is too diffucult to CHANGE the behaviour of the >, >>, < and << buttons (both at the screen AND at the BT-remote control!) it would help me if they could be deactivated. It happens some times that I accidentially hit one of theses buttons and my position within the lecture is los. And as Andre statet quite well it is really a devils job to find the last position.

But perhaps it is possible to make them changeable to skip 15''' and skip 30''.

This would really be a very valuable enhancement and make the player much more useful for people listening to long speechs!!!


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  • 6 months later...

I would personally love to have options of how far to rewind/fast forward the track when I hit those buttons (eg. 0, 5, 15, 30, 60 seconds or the start of current/next track). I listen to language tutition tracks that are about 30 minutes long each and would love the option to hit the rewind button to quickly repeat the last thing that was said.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to add a vote to user customizable fast forward and rewind. Especially if I could set them independently. Say Fast forward 30 seconds rewind 15 seconds. I frequently need to skip around in a long (>30 minutes) file. i currently use "Just Playlists Plus" for this. And i put RockBox on all of my other mp3 players for this level of control.


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  • 3 months later...

I'd like to add my vote to this. Fine control over forward winding and rewinding is essential to me in a music player. I could do it on my ancient tape cassette player so it should be a feature on an mp3 player. I very often want to skip back 5-10 seconds in a track to re-hear a phrase. It shouldn't be difficult to include this feature. For example, as an option the progress bar at the bottom could be replaced by a wheel just like the Volume wheel so that turning the wheel backwards, for example, would rewind the track by a few seconds. Alternatively just add a "-7 secs" button as in "Just Playlists Plus".

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  • 1 year later...

I would personally love to have options of how far to rewind/fast forward the track when I hit those buttons (eg. 0, 5, 15, 30, 60 seconds or the start of current/next track). I listen to language tutition tracks that are about 30 minutes long each and would love the option to hit the rewind button to quickly repeat the last thing that was said.




This would be awesome

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  • 3 years later...


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