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Open file


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@maxmp Can you throw some light here? Trying to send an intent to open a file and I can't make it work, I don't know if there is a problem with the API, or if it is Tasker, or if I'm just a noob.

This is what I tried so far:

Action: com.maxmpz.audioplayer.API_COMMAND

Cat: None

Data: file:///storage/2EAE-2BA7/Music/0emulated/HI RES/09. Three Little Birds.flac

Extra: cmd:20

Target: Service


Tried all combinations by changing/filling: 

  • Cat to Default
  • Mime Type to Audio/*, text/*, text/plain, and text/html
  • Data I tried file:// instead of file:///
  • Target Activity and Broadcast Receiver
  • Class to PowerampAPI
  • Package to: com.maxmpz.audioplayer.player.PlayerService, com.maxmpz.audioplayer, com.maxmpz.audioplayer.player

Note 1: when I fill Package, I don't get any error, else I get the following:


18.15.11/JU analyse: Send Intent: 20 expected: null
18.15.11/JU Send Intent: analyse done: 20: class: int obj: 20 partWithoutMods: null static: false const true casted: false
18.15.11/E added int extra: cmd/20
18.15.11/E resolve implicit intent
18.15.11/MyPM no matching Service found for implicit intent
18.15.11/E result: stop task (error)
18.15.11/E Error: 1
18.15.11/MacroEdit action finished exeID 350 action no 0 code 877 status: Err next 0
18.15.11/MacroEdit action finished exeID 350 action no 0 code 877 status: Err next 0


Note 2: the following URI works*, but is not what I want:


Action: com.maxmpz.audioplayer.API_COMMAND

Cat: None

Data: content://com.maxmpz.audioplayer.data/files?lim=1&flt=three little birds

Extra: cmd:20

Target: Service


*the only thing that doesn't work in this case is lim, it throws every row it finds

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