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Some potential minor bugs?


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Idk, it's either a bug or I'm not setting up Poweramp correctly.

1. Repeat list does not work with swiping. Once I reach the end of a list and decide I want to restart my list, swiping to the next track with the album art does not work. Instead, I'm forced to back out and reselect the list. On the other hand, playing a song to the end or using the static "pro" buttons will allow a list to repeat back to the first song. However, I don't like pro buttons due to how cluttered the ui is and at this point, the less stuff on the screen, the better. 

2. I swear this was an issue with the previous builds as well, and I can't remember if it was ever addressed. But there is a seeking issue. Sometimes, if you seek to, say 10 seconds, the song will play at 0 seconds, and not 10 seconds. Also, this bug leads to the timer running over time. Where you'll see stuff like 4:13/ 3:57.  


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1. To change at the end of a list via swiping you need to do an 'extra wide' wipe. Or you could activate the Pro Buttons feature in Settings > Look and Feel > Skin to restore the normal playback control buttons.

2. There are some known track length indicator issues (which include seek not going back to the desired location) which mostly seem related to having embedded album art in tracks where PA is for some reason unable to read the length correctly from the tags. If you have an example file that you could upload, that might help (you could also confirm if this is definitely the problem by making a temporary new file without any embedded artwork using a tag editor, and see if that resolves the issue).


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Thanks for the reply.

1. So, it's not so much moving on to the next list that's giving me issues. It's replaying a list. Unless if I am misunderstanding what "Repeat List" does,  the option to repeat a list doesn't seem to work when you swipe. I tried the "wide" swipe but it either moves on to the next list/ album (which I'm assuming is its intended function) or displays no next list. But, say I have 10 songs, and song 9 finishes, and song 10 starts. If I don't really want to listen to song 10 and I just want to repeat my library, swiping right will not bring me back to song 1, and the only way to get back to song one is to back out, go to libraries, and reselect my list, or swipe left 10 times (which is a bit pointless if your list has 100s of songs). Again, while it is true that I can either just deal with it and listen to song 10 or use physical buttons, but as I have mentioned above, having all those "pro" buttons just make the app more cluttered than it already is and therefore I would like to stay away from it as much as possible. Unfortunate, but I guess I'll just have to keep waiting for UI improvements or something. I'll post a picture below 

2. Just tested it out with a non-embedded song file. It did work so as you said, it's just an album art embedded issue. And since you did point out the issue, I can confirm that songs without an embedded album art do not suffer from this issue. 



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If you could still send an example MP3 so Max can try to track down what it is about length/offset tags that is not working on some files, that would be great.

Yes, you are right that the Next List functions do not obey the Repeat setting, but they are not meant to. They are navigation tools to move to new lists/etc. For example, if you had Repeat Song enabled then you would still expect to be able to use navigation buttons or swipes to get to another song (which would then be your repeating item). The repeat mode only kicks in when the player gets to the natural end of a list/etc.


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Sure, I'll attach an example mp3 below. Strange that some songs don't work well but others do. 

And yeah, I had a feeling that the swipe might not do what I was hoping. I don't know why I thought it used to repeat the list by swiping right. Can't tell if it actually happened in the previous version before the new ui came, maybe because I'm noticing cause my music folder is a lot smaller than it used to be so now I hit the end of a list a lot more commonly, idk. Probably just imagining things. 

Thanks for the help.



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23 hours ago, dwang040 said:

Yes, that seems to be  another case of the cover art area offset in the ID3 tag not being taken account of correctly for some reason. (ID3Size of 1,248,179 bytes in the case, out of a 9Mb file)

@maxmp any joy on correcting this problem as it does still seem very common?


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Thank you for the reply, I'll make sure to embed some smaller album art to help fix it currently

However, I did not mean to bump this thread what-so-ever, but I was wondering if you had any info regarding a "pause while rotating" issue. I didn't mention it since I didn't bother to double check my issue, but for me personally, I've noticed that when power amp starts up fresh, on the first time I rotate my screen from portrait to landscape, the song will just automatically pause. But after resuming, the issue will not occur until again and music will continue to play normally, However, if I stop power amp, wait for it unload from my processes, then restart Poweramp, play a song and rotate the screen, it'll pause again. I don't know, I haven't seen any mentions of this yet, so I'm trying to see if it's an issue on my part or something that nobody has noticed. 

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