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Forward and rewind songs from wired headset

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Can you make that I can forward and rewind songs from wired headset? Long press will forward or rewind songs, double pres fill go to next or previous song, and triple press will change folder. It would be very helpful :)


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Please? I know that not all manufacturers support long-presses on the headset buttons, but my HTC Desire-Z does this fine (along with many other phones) and it's really frustrating that the stock HTC music player is much better than PowerAmp is in this one respect.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

This is a big one.

Support for mic button long press and multiple presses.

It sucks to have to install an app like Headset Droid when Poweramp is the only app I want to control with the mic button.

The settings I use:

- click: pause/play (this one is already supported)

- long click: rewind

- click + long click: fast forward

- click + click + long press: reset volume to 30% and increase the volume until the key is released

- click + click: next track

- click + click + click: previous track

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